She added, however, that the mislabeling 'did not affect product performance or patient safety, ' because both the voltage settings indicated on the box and those on the devices are safe for patients.
If crystallization occurs, use water bath heating to dissolve it, which will not affect the performance of product.
This unbalanced centrifugal force on the rotor bearing will cause vibration, noise and accelerate the bearing wear, which seriously affect the performance and life of the product.
The unbalanced centrifugal force can cause vibration, noise and bearing wear of the rotor bearing, so that it can seriously affect the performance and life of the product.
Concrete foam insulation board is bibulous rate is low, ensure products are not in the humid environment, mildew, will not affect the insulation performance, ensure the safety, product durability.
The feed mixer took in the feed processing process the leading equipment, its performance quality directly will affect the feed product the quality and the production efficiency.
The designers must know about what can affect the environmental performance of the product when designing a piece.
In the work well with smooth brick body on the cement mortar 1:3 sand, will sit light placed along the mortar, affect the product performance and cause accidents.
Performance testing applications is one way to increase the overall quality of an application by identifying bottlenecks and making changes that will affect the speed and efficiency of the product.
The soft magnetically material widely used in control unit. Some craft is easy to make the components magnetism loss in the production, which affect the product performance seriously.
Bad control of oil phase flow will cause too thick or thin of external oil film, which will affect the product performance.
For areas outside the visible range, it is acceptable if there is no crack, scratch, or foreign objects that can greatly affect the electric performance of this product.
Note: This product may be slightly cloudy appearance in winter or precipitation, but does not affect the performance, room temperature, sufficient mixing before use.
Note: This product may be slightly cloudy appearance in winter or precipitation, but does not affect the performance, room temperature, sufficient mixing before use.