The acids continue to affect your teeth for at least 20 minutes before they are neutralized and can \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 't do any more harm.
The drug was also shown to affect T cell activation and proliferation.
I can't quite tell how they've determined this, but it has to do with something called MHC genes, which affect immune responses, and smelling T-shirts.
When brake disc wears enough to affect safety in operation or can 't adjust clearance, this is called failure.
This, she says, gives off the impression you re a hard worker, doesn t affect anyone else or your ability to do the job, and makes it seem like you actually care about what you do.
If he can "t see how his actions affect others, he" s not likely to say, "Whoa, what about my girlfriend?" when temptation strikes.
To assess how such changes may affect the nuclide transport behavior, the paper proposes a single fracture nuclide transport model under time-varying groundwater flow conditions based on t.
Data constructing is a key process of GIS-T to affect directly whether a system is built successfully or not.
数据建设是GIS - T的关键过程,合理的数据建设直接影响系统的建设成败。
Objective to study the factors that affect the recent curative effect on AML with t (8; 21).
目的研究影响伴t(8; 21)急性髓系白血病(aml)近期疗效的因素。
For T-50 will probably be easier to change the collapse of the keels, provided that this does not affect visibility.
对于T - 50,在不影响外形的情况下改变龙骨断裂可能会容易一些。
For T-50 will probably be easier to change the collapse of the keels, provided that this does not affect visibility.
对于T - 50,在不影响外形的情况下改变龙骨断裂可能会容易一些。