Clearing of mangroves in the past in many of the affected countries has likely affected fisheries production and their role in coastal protection.
The missing regions varied among families, but they affected at least six genes that play a role in autism.
Although these actions would not have affected the outcome of this particular accident, it has reminded us of the importance of climbers' role in assisting with rescues.
The amount of help provided is affected by how men and women see their role in society.
The reason, explains Mr Jacques Diouf, is that it is not FAO’s role to say which parts of the world are affected by famine.
But of potentially more value is finding the exact role that genes and proteins play in the brain in response to stimuli, he says, because genes also are affected by environment.
Most people agree that the present role of women has already affected U. S. society. Above all, it has affected the traditional role of men.
College students' study status is affected by both intellectual factors and non-intellectual factors, among which non-intellectual factors play a decisive role.
Female scientific and technical workers highly respect their work but are troubled by the double role expectation by which their mental and physical health are affected.
There was a negative correlation between them, indicating that the spleen not only played an important role in keeping RBC morphology and structure normal, but also affected RCIA.
Because in the twentieth century women began to have an important role in the workplace, this affected the with their partners or husbands, and the amount of work within household.
Thus the role of music, but also people through its appreciation, is affected by its edification and achieve.
Communities living in countries most affected by food shortages have long known about the key role that trees can play in reducing the need for conventional aid.
Objective To study the expression of ICAM-1 in leukocytes of chronic periodontitis affected gingiva, and the role of ICAM-1 in immunopathogenic mechanism of chronic periodontitis will be discussed.
目的研究ICAM - 1在慢性牙周炎牙龈组织中白细胞的表达,探讨ICAM - 1在慢性牙周炎免疫病因机理中和作用。
Sweep technique plays an important role in Vibroseis system, the resolution of Vibroseis seismic prospecting is affected by the shape of the sweep signal's auto correlation function.
Measured results for the tablets show that because of the role played by the polysilicon films, the turn-on properties of the thin emitter thyristors are not affected by the very thin emitter region.
However, whether you like the mobile phone or not, it has alresdy affected our lives and played an important role in the history of human beings.
Most people agree that the present role of women has already affected U. S. society.
A common thread linking the two phenomena is in the vital role played by moist processes in the atmosphere and how they can be affected by mean SST and interactive SST anomaly.
Listed companies have different affected factors for financing scale in and out of companies, and the inner factor plays a decisive role.
Even people who aren't directly affected will be indirectly affected in many ways by what is happening on Wall Street, because it plays such a major role in the life of New York City.
The efficiency of English classroom teaching is affected by the confusion of language correctness and its usage and its communication role affected as well.
The law of fracture pressure of grouting is affected by the gap width notably, and the rheological parameters of grout play a key role in computing the diffusion radius.
Above all, it has affected the traditional role of men.
Above all, it has affected the traditional role of men.