After a year and a half, I had progressed a lot, both in body and mind, to return to school.
Laughing took away his pain after half a year.
Then one day, a good year and a half after the visit to the diagnostic pediatrician, I decided to tear open the metaphorical credit card envelope and take a cold, hard look at the fine print.
Yet after nearly a year and a half, advanced smart phones are still in the “early adopter” phase in China, with some 93% of current subscribers still uncommitted to an operating system.
The Mona Lisa turned up after about a year and a half in the shop of an antique dealer in Italy.
Of the big three, McKinsey and Bain are said to have suffered slight falls in revenues last year, while BCG, after a strong second half, was slightly up.
And a study carried out earlier this year found that critically ill children whose red blood-cell counts had dropped by half fared no better after a transfusion than those who did not receive one.
And rebuilding after the floods and tornadoes may deliver a fillip in the second half of the year.
That is about half what Russia charges for a trip to the international station, a price that is likely to go up after the space shuttle retires later this year.
And half a year after that, in the summer when the boy was five, I met Henry myself for the first time.
The risk of heart attack and stroke starts to drop immediately after a person stops using tobacco products, and can drop by as much as half after one year.
Scientists discovered the snails a year and a half later, after they had already pushed some native species close to extinction.
Rogers's remarks came as commodities prices, after suffering a big slump in the second half of last year and early this year, have mostly rebounded.
They purchased the apartment a year and a half ago after an exhaustive search, opting for a gut-renovation to make it their own.
Varley and Diamond declined bonuses for a second year in 2009, even after second-half profit more than doubled from the year-earlier period.
But private economists are forecasting a pick-up in the second half of the year, which would be a big improvement on what happened after Lehman (see chart).
After growing 48 percent in the first half of 2010, and 45 percent last year, this forecast suggests a 20 percent contraction in car sales in the second half of 2010.
For 30 years her husband did all the cooking, so she had forgotten how - after a year and a half she fell ill with anaemia.
Those decisions will be made based on conditions in Afghanistan and a fresh assessment after a year and a half.
Philips said that, after a strong rebound in the first half, it expects comparable sales growth to moderate over the rest of the year.
Only after half a year, he was tired of working as a clerk in the company.
Researchers found having a 2-year age gap, meeting through friends, marrying after 3 and a half years of courtship, and sharing 2 hobbies could also help ensure a lasting liaison.
It took me a long time and a lot of hard work but I finally returned to the University of Texas in the fall of 1983 - a year and a half after almost dying.
During the first year and a half of the study, the trauma subjects also acquired a thicker dorsolateral prefrontal cortex than controls did. After that, though, the thickness gradually normalized.
The good news: After spending a year and a half talking about deficits, deficits, deficits when we should have been talking about jobs, job, jobs we're finally back to discussing the right issue.
It's very gratifying, though, to see that level of interest after all the hard work we put into the project for the year and a half of development leading up to the paper submissions in late 2009.
Nearly half a century after he released his first album Bob Dylan continues to release new albums (including last year a compilation of Christmas songs) and tour the country playing concerts.
Nearly half a century after he released his first album Bob Dylan continues to release new albums (including last year a compilation of Christmas songs) and tour the country playing concerts.