If I could see you, after a long long time.
Only after a long, long time did Heidi become quiet.
It is a long time after they separated, but it won't be long before they meet again.
But these new neurons helped to form long-term memories and bonds, as the mouse fathers easily recognized their offspring by smell even after they had been separated for a long period of time.
Just after he left the barber shop he saw a man in the street with a long hair and beard (it seems that it had been a long time since he had his hair cut and he looked so untidy).
Although never really thought about how long we can go after, but am happy to have you accompany me for a long time.
A long time after this—they could not tell how long—Tom said they must go softly and listen for dripping water—they must find a spring.
So has been for a long time after a long time nothing has happened what of accidents.
After a long time sitting there, his body rolled up gradually. Because of his long arm and leg and plenty of fur, he looked like a big monkey.
After tonight, there will be a very long period of time you will not appear in my sight, there will be a very long period of time I would fill my heart miss.
When I saw foreigners come and have dinners, I listened attentively just like a little rabbit with long ears. After a long time like this, even if I am as slow as you, I learned my English.
In RCC dam construction project, sometimes because of the need for grouting and river diversion, the thin concrete block during long intermittence would be caused after a long idle time.
Not a very long time; I wrote them right after I'd finished book 4, so compared to book 4, which as you probably know is a very, very long book, they didn't take long at all.
They found those volunteers usually take a long time to react and find it hard to concentrate, but after a night of long-term sleep, their situations improved greatly.
After going through all the arduous explorations over a long period of time, the artists of 60's started their long journey of overthrowing the traditional thoughts and value systems.
Fairy tales always begin with a long, long time ago, and end with them happily ever after.
To reach success with this method, we must work at it for a long time. A saying goes, "After long-term cultivation, there will be Chan."
Drug abortion bleeding after long time, an average of about half a month or so, some for as long as 1 to 2 months.
药物流产后出血时间长,平均为半个月左右,有的长达1 - 2个月之久。
Drug abortion bleeding after long time, an average of about half a month or so, some for as long as 1 to 2 months.
药物流产后出血时间长,平均为半个月左右,有的长达1 - 2个月之久。