After nearly two years of effort, the FPAA chip design has been achieved.
After nearly two years of operation of the market, have emerged in many outstanding dealers.
Today, after nearly two years of convalescing and almost fully recovering from being shot in the shoulder?
After nearly two years of an escalating debt crisis, ECB officials still appear to be trying to find their footing.
After nearly two years of specialization, JMatter is surprisingly robust, and its features easily rival Rails and Streamlined.
After nearly two years of effort, the project has recently passed the evaluation successfully and come into a conclusion.
After nearly two years, less than 13 percent of those on Inspra had died of heart problems versus less than 16 percent of those given dummy pills.
After nearly two years study, reform and help from higher authorities and relevant departments we disposed previous issues and corrected our mistakes resolutely and effectively.
Citigroup’s chief executive, Vikram S. Pandit, after nearly two years of earning a mere $1 in salary while he tried put the bank back on track, was recently awarded a $1.75 million salary.
花旗集团的首席执行官,维克拉姆•潘迪特(Vikram S. Pandit)最近获得了175万美元的薪酬。在过去的近两年中,他试图将银行拉上正轨,薪酬只有区区1美元。
But nearly two years after returning as chief executive to the troubled firm he had left on a high two years before, he shows no sign of repeating his earlier success.
Sales may reach nearly 14m this year after plunging to just over 10m two years ago.
The quickening pace that helped the site reach the 2m article milestone just 17 months after breaking the 1m barrier suddenly evaporated: adding the next million has taken nearly two years.
Duncan added 15 rebounds to supplement his first 40-point effort in nearly two years, while Ginobili had 19 of his 24 points after halftime.
Jobs unveiled OS X in January 2000 at Macworld, after nearly two and a half years of work by almost one thousand programmers.
On average, patients showed up at the ER nearly two years after their initial surgery.
Since the Han Dynasty Buddhism which was introduced to China, after nearly two thousand years of digestion and integration has become an inseparable part of Chinese traditional culture.
After nearly two thousand years devious copy on this book, there are many mistakes in this book. However, lots of scholars have made more fruitful results.
The bridge's settlement is monitored for nearly two years after construction, and the results indicate that the primary design intent has been realized.
It is remarkable that QE continues nearly two years after the end of the U. S. recession.
That seems strange to me now that I have realized it, nearly two years after her death.
That seems strange to me now that I have realized it, nearly two years after her death.