An agent may not act in an agency transaction for a party whose interests are adverse to those of his principal.
We regret to say that since there is so far no transaction concluded between us, we have to decline your quest for agency.
As a matter of fact, this "transaction" involves two contracts: one between the agency and its client and another contract between the agency and the freelance translator.
Firms that pursuing optimal bond maturity structure must weigh transaction and agency costs of a new corporate bond issue.
The purpose to institute the system of agency by estopple is to protect the safety of transaction.
It in further explains the reasons in the perspective of agency theory, transaction cost theory and strategic management literature.
There are many theories on corporate governance, which can be classified into three categories: transaction cost theory, agency theory and stakeholder theory.
We regret to say that since there is so far no transaction concluded between us, we have to decline your quest for agency.
The relationship between securities agency and investor is the most commonly seen relationship in this kind of transaction.
Although the sales number for Sunday won't be disclosed until today, a second-hand home transaction agency predicted similarly low numbers also due to the snow storm that brought Beijing to a crawl.
Agency by estoppels is a special type of agency system. This system reflects the legislative thoughts of protecting transaction safety and the interests of innocent parties in agency activities.
Property Agency "a" was showing us around, when we bumped into a manager we knew from a previous property transaction with property Agency "b".
As a member of the HKU SPACE ALUMNI, you can enjoy a special comission discount for every successful property sales or leasing transaction through MTR Property Agency Company Limited.
As a member of the HKU SPACE ALUMNI, you can enjoy a special comission discount for every successful property sales or leasing transaction through MTR Property Agency Company Limited.