An improved neural network based on L-M algorithm has been applied to fault diagnosis expert system against to the slow convergence rate of conventional BP neural network.
针对传统BP神经网络训练中收敛速度较慢的缺点,提出一种基于L - M算法的神经网络应用于机械设备故障诊断的专家系统。
Theoretical analysis proves that the M-PSO algorithm keeps convergence.
By introduction of the ideology of population migration, the M-PSO algorithm keeps the convergence and has good performance such as optimization velocity and optimization results.
通过引入人口迁移的思想,在保证算法收敛性的同时,使M - PSO算法具有良好的优化速度和优化效果。
By introduction of the ideology of population migration, the M-PSO algorithm keeps the convergence and has good performance such as optimization velocity and optimization results.
通过引入人口迁移的思想,在保证算法收敛性的同时,使M - PSO算法具有良好的优化速度和优化效果。