The justify option can be used to align the column values to the right, center, or left of a column.
You have the option to align the titles to the left, center, or right of the page, and you can use the skip option to leave blank lines after each title.
The HTML align values of left, center, right, and justify map to the XSL-FO text-align values of start, center, end, and justify.
HTMLalign的left 、center 、 right和justify 值映射成XSL-FO text-align 的start 、 center 、end 和 justify 。
You can Justify align post text now, instead of just Left, Right, and Center.
Paragraph Styles; Font Names; Font Size; Font Color; Bold ; Italic; Underline; Align Left; Center; Align Right; Bullets; Numbered List; Decrease Indent; Increase Indent.
You want to align strings left, right, or center.
You want to align strings left, right, or center.