It often happens that a number of applicants with almost identical qualifications and experience all apply for the same position.
Most of its highlights have been in the same city since they were created, yet almost all are central to the history of art.
While it's desirable to keep almost all of the data the same (such as the database and JNDI names), there are other values that should change from one environment to another.
In fact, there's a piece of software that does almost all the same things as these expensive pieces of software — the software is called WEKA (see Resources).
实际上,有一种软件可以实现那些价格不菲的软件所能实现的全部功能 —这个软件就是WEKA(参见参考资料)。
Almost all children are capable of attaining the same standards within a reasonable period of time.
Of course I'm not hanging all 11 of them by the same rope, but almost. They didn't want the ball.
With almost all production boats, it's easy on the web to find other examples of the same boat for sale.
The average amount of the processor used across all the workloads is almost the same and is in the 30 percent range.
You can see that all three governors have almost exactly the same number of requests per second.
The economy almost certainly expanded during the second half of 2009, but 800, 000 additional jobs were lost all the same.
Microsoft has kept the same look and feel for not just Windows, but for almost all of its applications.
The Platonic pattern remained the same for almost 2, 000 years. All the books of that era were written from this point of view.
GIMP is a popular raster image editing application that is available for almost all modern graphical computing platforms and provides many of the same capabilities as Adobe Photoshop.
GIMP是一个流行的栅格图像编辑应用程序,适用于几乎所有现代图形计算平台,提供许多与adobe Photoshop相同的功能。
Despite the informality of the documentation rules, almost all third-party and standard modules use the same patterns. Let's look at a simplistic example that USES most of the elements.
All translate to almost the same physical size as the font size of 16px at 1024x758. If your screen resolution is not in the table, use this equation to find out what font size you should use.
There is a snapshot of my Baidu not been updated for almost a month, my site every day for all content, ah, the same as the original operation, included also slowly reduced.
Neither does the world soul rest in the gorgeously-decorated things, for they are all almost the same, volatile, artificial, which are just a projection of the depraved man itself.
And now that doctor found most of his patients, almost all of them, telling him the same thing like that.
Both the samples are all a mixed conductor of oxide-ion and electron hole with an almost same oxide-ionic transport number under oxygen atmosphere.
Girl Scouts may say that they are against it, but it has become a tribal custom of the young that they observe with almost universal respect all the same.
All the simulations we're going to look at it, in fact almost all the simulations anyone will ever write, sort of, have the same kind of structure.
Even though graduates from all types of schools increase their earnings throughout their careers, their incomes grow at almost the same rate, according to the survey.
Type Ia supernovae all explode with nearly the same amount of energy and therefore have almost the same intrinsic brightness.
Almost all of the procedures for memorizing are the same as the learning procedures that we have already covered.
The Girl Scouts may say that they are against it, but it has become a tribal custom of the young that they observe with almost universal respect all the same.
I used almost the same render Settings for all of the scenes except the fog scene.
The total amount of all kinds of patent application from abroad and home has been increasing with each year since 1992 in China, and the extent of their increase is almost the same.
The total amount of all kinds of patent application from abroad and home has been increasing with each year since 1992 in China, and the extent of their increase is almost the same.