It's a social network that helps financial advisors keep in contact with clients - but is also in compliance with the rules from the SEC, FINRA and FSA.
It is also interesting to see how that Neolithic-age fresco is in compliance with today's architectural trends.
I also assume that you know the basics of working with classes and objects in PHP, as the PHP components used in this article are written in compliance with OOP principles.
Microsoft is also trying to beef up discovery and compliance features in Exchange with built-in E-mail archiving.
Besides these, it's also important to examine if the company has conducted their business with integrity and in compliance with applicable laws and regulatory requirements.
As a U. s. carrier, you must also include such an assurance of compliance in your contracts or agreements of appointment with U. s. travel agents.
Utilities may also blend coals of different sulfur contents to achieve a mix that is in compliance with applicable regulations.
Moreover, the compliance with the mandatory automotive labeling laws will also support the growth in the automotive labels market.
Also in 1994 a Disability Ombudsman was appointed to supervise compliance with the rules.
The company is in compliance with the social responsibility, corporate social responsibility to evaluate the extent and intensity, but also businesses and the whole society the focus of attention.
The company is in compliance with the social responsibility, corporate social responsibility to evaluate the extent and intensity, but also businesses and the whole society the focus of attention.