We also see some unsurprising overlap with national stereotypes and self-stereotypes: French, vigorous; German, logical; English, playful.
You can also see direct links to Wikipedia, including links in languages other than English.
And I hope readers can see it as a window through which they can get closer to me and also to the English language and its culture.
YeeYan is also localized to English, so that bloggers can see which of their posts have been translated.
Prof Linzey and his co-editor Professor Priscilla Cohn, of Penn State University in the US, also hope to see some of the more colourful terms in the English language stamped out.
Also I can see how English is used in everyday life.
Finds a seat, I also see the teacher, "wow, too good, is Mr Zhu", I used to English class is on her, my heart secretly pleased.
Although see the newspaper combine anticipate not as at first as I so and easily, it provides me with a kind of achievement feeling, also arising I learn the interest of English.
I see. It's interesting that there is also a parrot in my English book. His mane is Polly.
We graduated, will go to a new school, but we all miss li, also hope to see our primary school English teacher teacher.
Of course, you also can see, I am also very love English, English is my whole life interest, it brings me a lot.
English is also a type of language that make you improve really fast, and you can see what you've improved in a very short time, that is also why I like the subject English so much.
And then it's also got - it gives you the ability to have the text in different languages, so you see both the English and the Chinese, for example.
In addition to language tapes especially prepared for your course, you can also listen to English radio broadcasts, watch English TV, and see English movies.
By the way: Douglas gave me his answers in his own words, and I did not edit them. As you can see, his English is also quite good too.
Wednesday we took a look at our New English Zone Books to see what we will be covering beginning next week. We also went over some basic class rules.
If see my Bo small plait or English of the guest a good friend, please don't scold me, I also want to study English, if you see not and very still please give advice or comments and thank you!
You see, there are so many English novels and you can also prepare some lessons for tomorrow, right?
And what we heard was also English. In the street, we could see lots of volenteers|, taxi drivers , waiters , waitresses speaking English everywhere.
And what we heard was also English. In the street, we could see lots of volenteers|, taxi drivers , waiters , waitresses speaking English everywhere.