Though this does little to cut the amount at risk, it reduces operational costs and strips away a layer of complexity that has obscured trading exposures.
As far as JP Morgan was concerned, this risk was not really risky at all, so there was no point paying anything other than a token amount to insure it.
In short, in our focus on increasing the amount of food we produce today, we have accidentally put ourselves at risk for food shortages in the future.
The open cover shall stipulate the scope of cover, the range of property insured, the maximum amount of insurance each risk or at each place and the method of settling premium, etc.
To determine the amount of stress in a job, for example, the study looked at such factors as whether an employee's life was at risk or the number of deadlines and travel.
Rather than buying the fuel cells, Whole Foods reduced its risk with a 10-year lease, which includes a requirement that the technology produce at least a certain amount of power.
We estimate that financing shortfalls to cover at-risk core spending on health, education, safety nets, and infrastructure amount to some $11.6 billion for the poorest countries.
我们预计需要填补约 116 亿美元的资金缺口,才能满足最贫困国家在健康、教育、社会保障和基础设施等方面的核心支出需求。
You could potentially put yourself at risk just by doing a series of bad behaviors for a relatively short amount of time.
In insurance on any other subject-matter, the insurable value is the amount at the risk of the assured when the policy attaches, plus the charges of insurance.
Pregnant women are also at increased risk, as they produce a greater-than-normal amount of exhaled carbon dioxide.
The exact amount is not always clear at the start of the project, and isthus subject to the risk.
Women in the study who followed the IOM's recommendations ran four times the risk of having a child who was overweight at age 3, compared to women who gained less than the advised amount.
To discourage moral hazard the interest rate should be at a penalty rate and, reflecting the rising risk, increase with the amount borrowed.
The contributory value of the cargo shall be computed on the basis of the CIF values, less the amount of loss or damage not allowable in general average and the freight at the risk of the carrier.
Women in the study who gained the recommended amount of weight ran four times the risk of having a child who was overweight at age 3, compared to women who gained less than the advised amount.
研究中,与体重增加少于体重建议增加量的孕妇相比, 体重按推荐量增加的孕妇的孩子三岁时体重超重的危险系数大于四倍。
Now that we have explored how the loan amount has differed over time and between loan purposes, let's take a look at whether the amount itself tells us anything about the risk of the loan.
Traders "aren't taking on an ultimate amount of risk at the moment and are waiting for the dust to actually settle," he said.
Fetuses at risk of Down tend to have a higher amount of fluid around the neck.
Increased floors on an office building in Hunan petrochemical Company caused uneven subsidence, resulting in a large amount of fissures on the building and putting it at the risk of demolition.
They minimized the total amount of contrast and carefully screened patients at risk for kidney disease.
From elementary school through high school, students are faced with a tremendous amount of pressure to get good grades, so much so that their mental well-being is at risk.
From elementary school through high school, students are faced with a tremendous amount of pressure to get good grades, so much so that their mental well-being is at risk.