These lawmakers say, these actions are part of an overall plan.
Secondly, insist on making an overall plan of fund utilization.
Secondly, , insist on making an overall plan of fund utilization.
A city or town plan is divided into an overall plan and a detailed plan.
Once an overall plan for land utilization is approved, it shall be strictly carried out.
Some argue that forests cover large tracts – many villages – and that an overall plan is essential.
An HRM strategy thus is an overall plan, concerning the implementation of specific HRM functional areas.
To achieve such effects, Beijing shall solicit opinions from first-rate architects and make an overall plan.
After all the purpose of living many lives is to follow an overall plan that leads to your spiritual evolution.
to explore an overall plan to resolve the nuclear issue in a just and reasonable manner and in a simultaneous and incremental way;
In this way, the medical diagnosis and prognosis for treatment can be factored into an overall plan for meeting the couple's needs.
The chief concern is to form an overall plan, to create standards about the system criterion, the connection format, and the network utilizing.
Schools sand administrations need an overall plan, including early warnings, a flexible syllabus, and better communication with teachers and parents, Xiong said.
熊教授说道,学校和管理人员需要完善的计划,比如提早预警以及灵活的课程安排,并和老师、家长加强交流。 。
In system planning, the method and framework of Financial Statements Analysis is studied, then it gives a system target and an overall plan with the existing research.
An overall plan for developing the ancient 'Silk Road' as an axis has been made. The author also discusses some problems about how to develop and use these resources in a rational way.
Description of project: Make an overall plan about the idle workshop and place to fit the development of electronics and machine, and manage it on the basis of classifying different items.
Secondly, we must make an overall plan, make sound the vocational education system, upgrade the levels of vocational education, and coordinate its relations with ordinary education properly.
Therefore, having a good policy for continuous monitoring of the overall health of the system is an important part of an overall troubleshooting plan.
Ensuring that the project is part of the plan for incremental adoption of SOA as part of an overall roadmap of business and IT objectives.
Various Web Services specifications trickle out from major vendors, but if there is a master plan for how these things form an overall architecture, it's being kept locked well away.
In this article, gain an understanding of the inner workings of the driver and see how it can fit in with your overall application development plan.
What you do need is an overall Community engagement plan - a plan that will guide all the engagement activities of your whole organization, whether in person or over the Internet.
RUP USES a master test plan for the overall project and an iteration test plan per iteration.
Overall, the most popular gifts men plan to buy are flowers (58%), candy (40.3%), jewelry (25.7%) and an evening out (53.9%).
This option would be considered only if it didn't introduce an unacceptable risk to existing requirements and to the overall system plan.
The project itself came about as a result of an overall master plan of signage that I was contracted to create for the city.
The first step in integration of information system applications is an overall information system plan.
The first step in integration of information system applications is an overall information system plan.