Tear secretion was decreased so that patients with dry eyes, and a burning sensation, a serious ocular conjunctiva, corneal infection and ulcers, and may result in uveitis, cataract and glaucoma.
About one year after the infection, a painful blister forms - 90% of the time on the lower leg - and one or more worms emerge accompanied by a burning sensation.
Furthermore, in some instances the patch can irritate the skin, causing a burning sensation and even cause swelling and redness.
In 2001, the Pentagon declassified one element of this research: the Active Denial System, a weapon that USES electromagnetic radiation to heat skin and create an intense burning sensation.
When hydrogen ions accumulate, it becomes difficult for the muscles to contract. That makes running feel more strenuous, and causes that distinct burning sensation we feel after a challenging workout.
Sichuan hotpot creates a sensation on the tongue that is both spicy and burning and slightly numbing, almost like carbonated beverages.
Other additions, such as sugar and "moisture enhancers," reduce the dry, burning sensation of smoking, making it a more pleasant experience - especially for new cigarette smokers.
They might experience a burning sensation, increased heart rate, shortness of breath and headaches.
A lot of people are turning to prayer camps to heal a range of psychological illnesses, including an experience of a burning sensation in the head, persistent nightmares and feelings of excitement.
Oc pepper: Oleoresin capsicum is a naturally occurring substance derived from hot peppers. Oc pepper causes an intense burning sensation to the skin, eyes and throat upon contact.
Then suddenly there was a mist before his eyes and he felt a burning sensation around his heart.
Pepper, garlic, Onions, etc. can cause a burning sensation in the stomach and indigestion, thereby affecting sleep.
Pepper, garlic, Onions, etc. can cause a burning sensation in the stomach and indigestion, thereby affecting sleep.