Tom Thumb, seeing his father, cried out, "See, father, here I am with the cart, all right and safe!"
“I am with his mother now and she is very upset, ” Zhang said. “There are many friends and relatives here, but this is very difficult for them.
My initial reaction was surprise, but as I have said before, I am happy to be here and I find myself very much at ease with life here.
I am going to be holding up a mirror and saying: 'Here is the situation, and the U.S. is prepared to work with all of you to deal with these problems.
K. Chesterton, and he remarked, "Here dies another day during which I have had eyes, ears, hands, and the great world around me." And with tomorrow begins another. Why am I allowed two?
I am absolutely delighted and honored to be here with all of you for this commencement.
I am almost dead, surviving from day to day, from hour to hour, ever since I was taken from my home and brought here with tens of thousands of other Jews.
M: I am sorry to hear about that. Would you mind coming with me to my office and tell me exactly what happened here?
I am choosing to live how I want from here on out, with minimum distraction from the naysayers and doubters.
I smile conspiratorially with him at Shaky's delusions and am later told by the service manager that the volunteer, himself, is delusional and has been coming here to eat each week for years.
I am honored to join you here today along with my consular colleagues from the U.S. Embassy in Beijing and the U.S. Consulate General in Shanghai.
I can give you the form and ask you to rate how attractive you think I am and I can give you the same instruction with a crucial difference "Please wait here."
So here I am, like the donkey, trying to choose between low-fat butter, sweet butter, mildly sour butter, easy-to-spread butter, original Irish butter and butter with herbs.
I am honored to be here with you today and to have the opportunity to say a few words.
Now then, stand here, because I am going to confront you with evidence before the LORD as to all the righteous ACTS performed by the LORD for you and your fathers.
Well, here I am the day after the cook-off, with a mop and a bucket, sharing the best recipes with you.
It's pretty good, I don't have any problems living here and I am not a fussy eater so I don't have problems with the food either!
As for me, I am old and gray, and my sons are here with you.
The years flew by and here I am again, working with the game industry.
She stops and looks at me with sad eyes that seems to say that she understands, that she too cannot fathom4 why I am here.
And yet, here I am with a shell prompt on an eight-way multiprocessor system with RAID drives, 32GB of memory (hey, it looks huge to me), and two months of uptime.
现在呢,我却正在一台具有RAID磁盘、32GB内存(对我来说这可真大)并运行了2个月的8 路多处理器系统上使用一个shell提示符。
I told her that I am here to go over the details with her and we can sort out any questions or problems as we go along.
But why am I here today? Clearly not to steal, you're too far away and I'd never get away with it.
Every day that I wake up now in China, my heart is filled with gratitude and joy because I know that I am here pursuing my dreams and doing what I love.
Yeah! I am here with my friend and he thinks it may be the spark plug or the starter motor.
I am sincerely happy to be here with you on this occasion and to become personally acquainted with this old and most prestigious University.
I am sincerely happy to be here with you on this occasion and to become personally acquainted with this old and most prestigious University.