We've been talking about the decline of coral reefs in tropical areas all over the world—how natural and man-made stresses are causing them to degrade or in some cases, to die.
We can also develop our analytical skills and learn how to view and interpret the world around us in different ways.
Oh, how dark and comfortless it was in the dreary world!
In looking for the stories of discovery, I found the stories of these people and how their lives changed our view of the world.
I've also looked at how older people are represented in the media; again, it's of major current interest with older people becoming a much larger proportion of UK and indeed, world society.
I've also looked at how older people are represented in the media; again, it's of major current interest with older people becoming a much larger proportion of UK and indeed world society.
In the idealized version of how science is done, facts about the world are waiting to be observed and collected by objective researchers who use the scientific method to carry out their work.
The technology we carry about everywhere can have a great power to do good for the world and to help others and recently I discovered just how much online volunteering there is to do in the world.
Joy and sadness are experienced by people in all cultures around the world, but how can we tell when other people are happy or despondent?
No matter how the day is celebrated, the purpose of these celebrations is to help everyone understand the UN and the important roles it plays in world affairs.
I was talking to friends today, and I'm amazed to see how everything changes in the world.
It's still incredible how the World Wide Web has expanded in twenty years, and how much we now rely on it.
I'm interested in how these things are expressions of that person, their ideas, and their interactions with the world.
Just as in the early days of the Internet in the 1990s, few could see how it could change our life and the world.
When they are asked why they chose to visit China, they said it was because they often talked about its long history and beauty and how much the country is competitive in the world.
Reconstructing the work of the craftsmen who lived centuries ago can reveal how they viewed the world, what objects filled their homes, and what went on in the workshops that produced them.
Hosting isn't about how high up in the world you are; its about having a good voice and a good idea.
During the course of the year, we have built in several screen-free days that require us to make different plans for our students about how they will communicate with one another and the world around them without "screens".
In my view, children need clear rules, but more than that they need to learn how to get on with other people and realize they are not the center of the world.
Today I'd like to talk about Third World poverty, and why we in the First World are responsible. And how we can change it.
Many of us believe in the evolution of World Wide Web. Very few, however, have thought in depth why and how the Web evolves.
And how do we best optimize the role of corporations in alleviating world poverty?
Mr Ferris is reminding us of how little we know about the world we live in, and how little we know about ourselves within it, and yet we persist.
One of the good spirits who lived in the sky was watching this and saw how bright and beautiful the world looked.
In her travels, she has seen first-hand the centrality of economic power in how states measure and exercise influence around the world.
It is also a novel about the ways in which you make your way in the world, and how it is that you can reach a place in life which is different from where you started.
You can see from these examples how BRMS promotes visibility, simplicity and agility in the business world.
And it revealed a deep difference in views about how the world works.
And it revealed a deep difference in views about how the world works.