Body image is a person's opinions, thoughts, and feelings about his or her own body and physical appearance.
Here luck, opportunity and physical appearance are probably much more crucial than hard work and persistence.
The Ainu of northern Japan are a people whose culture, language and physical appearance set them apart from other Asians.
Throughout the movie, the filmmakers capture tiny changes in mood and physical appearance, and the grand effects are startling.
Being more mindful of not just the taste and physical appearance of food, but also of the sound it makes can help consumers to eat less.
Question to Consider: I know that God uniquely created me. What areas of my personality, background, and physical appearance am I struggling to accept?
The adjustable cervical traction apparatus has convenient carrying and use, low cost and physical appearance, and is suitable for being used in publics.
本 发明携带、使用方便、价格低廉、外观自然,适合在公共场所使用。
Not surprisingly, she was convinced her son's slightly unusual demeanor24 and physical appearance were merely outward signs of his remarkable intelligence.
Just about every Chinese-American recognizes that there are huge differences in personality, behavior and physical appearance between themselves and their native Chinese counterparts.
This, for instance, is why egg whites change colour and texture when cooked: as the albumen in the whites loses its structure, its physical appearance is transformed.
It shows me that, as a society, our physical appearance plays a key role in workplace interactions and earnings outcomes.
Each woman has a Beauty quotient. This quotient is made up of three distinct categories: Physical Health, Psychological Health and Personal Appearance.
The 1st house rules the personality, appearance, physical body and personal mannerisms.
Psychologists have talked about the importance of body language, physical appearance and clothing but they've not been so keen on what we actually talk about.
Once you have created your character's race, class, and gender, you may choose your physical appearance - and there are a ton of options!
These perceived and real professional benefits were correlated with physical appearance, not to perceptions of age.
As a mother, she found herself at war with a culture that emphasized physical appearance to her daughter over pride, strength, resilience and intelligence.
They were convinced they had made their judgement about the lecturer's physical appearance, mannerisms and accent without considering how likeable he was.
In this last change, we judge a person based on their physical appearance, and tie them in with beliefs that will seem quite stupid offline.
Physical appearance, money, and lifestyle might be important factors for many.
So he and colleagues cut out the effect of physical appearance by using motion-capture technology, like the techniques moviemakers use to make digital characters.
They just have to make them look like people and everyone in Japan will assume they are Japanese – no matter how improbable their physical appearance.
That's why your adolescent will never gain self-confidence through their physical appearance as long as they're in high school and even a few years afterward.
After each group of students watched the videos they were asked to rate the lecturer on physical appearance, mannerisms and even his accent (mannerisms were kept the same across both videos).
The camera has brought people a new, and essentially pathetic, relation to themselves, to their physical appearance, to aging, to their own mortality.
The appearance of the misbehavior has interfered the going on, normally of classroom instruction of physical education seriously, and threat to its goal.
He was a true inheritor of the physical appearance of the Prophet and his spiritual inheritor.
He held that because the world operates in cycles (chicken to egg to chicken on so on), certain physical and biological processes need the appearance of age to function.
Describe someone's physical appearance and personality. Introduce your family.
Describe someone's physical appearance and personality. Introduce your family.