It describes the fall of a noble family and the love stories of some young people.
Many scientists, he says, see gender as a continuum and acknowledge that some people naturally fall in the middle.
With some 80% of Libya's territory and nine-tenths of its people under rebel control, the fall of any remaining pockets of loyalists is but a matter of time.
Some people can drink an espresso with dinner and fall asleep with no problem.
Some people have said there's a relationship between poetic meter and the fall of your foot - and possibly your heartbeat might be thought of as an iambic beat when it's amplified by walking.
The wise among the people shall give understanding to many; for some days, however, they shall by fall by sword and flame and suffer captivity and plunder.
Some people have said there's a relationship between poetic meter and the fall of your foot - and possibly your heartbeat might be thought of as an iambic beat when it's amplified by walking.
In some northern countries, snow begins to fall and most people have to stay indoors.
However, some people that fall into discontent, but tend to remain in that situation as they find it a place of "same-ness" and "safety."
That's why Hallowell believes it was okay for people to indulge some extreme worries last fall by asking doctors for Cipro and buying gas masks.
These factors and sleep established very strong conditioned reflex, slightly change will affect sleep, so some people change a place it will be difficult to fall asleep.
Some people do prefer shorts that are form fitting because many of the poses in yoga are inversions and pants legs may fall down when you are upside down.
Some adolescent girls aged 9-18 May fall below the daily recommended level of calcium intake, and some elderly people may have an inadequate intake of calcium and vitamin d.
年龄9 - 18岁的青少年女孩可能低于每天推荐的钙摄入水平,并且一些老年人可能钙和维生素d摄入不充分。
Our Constitution begins with those three simple words, words we've come to recognize mean all the people, not just some; words that insist we rise and fall together.
For if destruction does not fall into their scope, and creation is the main base of their doctrine, it is impossible to consider that some people may think differently.
Thought challenging: some people lay awake and convince themselves that if they don't fall asleep soon, something horrible-like a car crash or a layoff-will happen to them the next day.
Some of the people just love someone easily, but soon he'll easily change. And there is another type of people. They will not fall for someone easily, but once they do, they will never change.
Some people think that I would not fall sick , which isn't true in spite of their good intention. Nevertheless, I believe that the Buddhas and bodhisattvas would fulfill every wish.
Some people think that I would not fall sick , which isn't true in spite of their good intention. Nevertheless, I believe that the Buddhas and bodhisattvas would fulfill every wish.