Housing starts remain at an extremely low level, and it's premature to talk about a recovery, but I think it is fair to say that the housing industry is showing signs of stabilization.
Housing: During most economic recoveries, the housing industry typically rebounded in a big way and helped drive overall growth.
In Britain, given the size of its finance industry, housing boom and consumer debt, the balance-sheet adjustment will, if anything, be greater.
Home foreclosures have put the U.S. housing industry in a state of turmoil, and has hurt the overall economy here and elsewhere.
Still others argue that in a society where the majority of people cannot afford housing, the industry will not sustain itself and social instability could be on the horizon.
Mr. Lindsey points out that 100,000 participants in the scheme would pump at least $1 trillion into the housing industry, and would wipe out a large slice of excess housing inventory.
Mr. Lindsey points out that 100, 000 participants in the scheme would pump at least $1 trillion into the housing industry, and would wipe out a large slice of excess housing inventory.
The fact that China is about to step into WTO will bring about a great and deep influence on housing, estate industry and its related industry.
中国已加入WTO ,这将对我国房地产业有其相关产业产生重大而深远的影响。
Unemployment had spiked to double digits, housing prices had collapsed and the financial industry teetered on the brink of collapse.
In recent years, Kunming as a medium-sized city, the real estate industry has developed quickly, and the price of commercial housing has been a steady increase.
The crisis in the housing and credits markets is beginning to affect the credit card industry.
Like the U. s. housing industry a few years ago, China's big developers are highly leveraged and dependent on low interest rates and rising prices.
The real estate statistics of China should cover the whole industry, adding topics on housing consumption and execute the matching housing census with population census.
The die-casting industry of magnesium alloy housing is at an early age and a sunrise industry with enormous development potential.
When the pressure of population on housing decreases, prices also go down and the building industry is weakened.
The green -housing idea should be carried out through the whole housing industry from the design, building, producing of building to material and ornament.
The housing industry, as a new economy growth point and hot point of consumption in our national economy, has huge potentials for its development.
This year's sudden surge in energy use - and with it pollution and greenhouse gases - underscores the costs of China's reliance on infrastructure, housing and heavy industry to drive its economy.
Tax on the housing property, an important means by which real estate industry and land resources can be readjusted, should play an active role.
When the pressure of population on housing declines, prices also decline and the building industry is weakened.
With the development of housing industry and housing finance, more and more loan default affairs have been occurred, which is one of the major risks faced by banks.
At last, this dissertation points out the basic condition and measure to realize the integrated management of housing industry, and it gets a conclusion.
As an important part of the housing industry, Renovation is becoming tide and fashion. And to some extent, it drives and promotes the national economy growth.
The industry of real estate and housing is becoming the supporting industry of our country.
Take construction industry for example, a 10 percent increase in rural migrant labor reduces the price of housing construction and decoration materials by 0.017%.
On a global level, it is essential that the Kyoto Protocol, which is limited to emissions caused by industry, housing, traffic and agriculture, includes emissions from soil and degraded vegetation.
With the deepening of the housing system reform and sociality job share, the real estate industry is developing actively.
With the deepening of the housing system reform and sociality job share, the real estate industry is developing actively.