And then by the accounting agency professional accounting treatment.
Orders are then prioritized, first by pending revenue, and then by the order date.
The reason for this is because the message content is logged first by the mediation, and then by the receiving MDB.
之所以出现这种情况,是因为消息内容首先由中介记录,然后由接收MDB 记录。
I got to know, then, first through his books and then by the great honor of meeting him personally, Ludwig von Mises.
The scientists' proposals that precede the annual allocation of quotas are routinely expanded, first by the commission and then by the ministers.
We can also multiply out the expected defects per iteration by the number of remaining iterations and then by the average defect resolution effort.
The urban pioneers are followed by the young start-ups that cater for them, the coffee shops and bars, and then by the estate agents and the yuppies.
The governor of South Carolina (see article) tried to reject the stimulus, but he was overruled first by his legislature and then by the state’s highest court.
The governor of South Carolina (see article) tried to reject the stimulus, but he was overruled first by his legislature and then by the state's highest court.
The curriculum then becomes peripheral and is dealt with by the reserve capacity of the brain.
They make the charcoal by burying wood in the ground and then slowly burning it.
The fraction was then multiplied by 100 and rounded to the nearest half or whole number.
The doctor said it will take six weeks and I should be fine by then.
They can glide past eddies that would slow them down and then gain extra thrust by "pushing off" the eddies.
Their remains accumulated on the floor of the lake and were then covered by clay and silt.
Reversing the usual order, they were first worn by women, and then adopted by men.
I mentioned the interesting facts, referred to the excellent slides, and then finished by saying "We'd all like to thank Miss Bligh for blowing out her slides."
I mentioned the interesting facts, referred to the excellent slides, and then finished up by saying "We'd all like to thank Miss Bligh for blowing out her slides."
This poison can make an insect lose the ability to move, and the helpless insect is then devoured by the spider.
The ceremony is followed by a meal, and then singing and perhaps listening to African music.
An array of tiny pieces of paraelectric material can sense the heat radiated by a person, and the pattern of the array's electrical outputs can then be used to construct an image.
She then took Gerda by the hand, led her into the little cottage, and locked the door.
You have to prioritise, so indicate the main problems, and then you analyse each one by connecting it with a theory .
The visitor may then be struck by the strangeness of seeing such diverse paintings, drawings and sculptures brought together in an environment for which they were not originally created.
A century later the picture was completely different: by then, the world had an electric industry, and a quarter of its generating capacity was water powered.
He lamented how Indian captains were made idols and then "thrown in the gutter" by the public; the habit took off with him.
The islands were annexed by the US in 1898 and since then Hawaii's native peoples have fared worse than any of its other ethnic groups.
The produce was then transported by water to markets in the cities, where the consumption of fruit and vegetables was no longer restricted to the wealthy.
There the air absorbs more moisture, which then condenses on a metal wall cooled by seawater, and thus distilled water for irrigating the plants collects.
You need to prepare the wax gourd first by peeling it, slice it several times lengthways, remove the seeds and then finally cut into one inch chunks.