I met him at a Simple Minds gig at St Andrews University in 1978.
The idea comes from a St Andrews University scientist challenged to find out just what is inside a flame.
A student at St. Andrews University in Scotland is covered in foam to celebrate the start of the academic year.
"Sometimes in the rush to conserve the species, I think we forget about the individuals," says Cat Hobaiter, a professor at the University of St. Andrews.
But they are not worried about the expense - it is likely to be because they believe their date should pay for the pleasure of being with them, according to researchers at St Andrews University.
William and Middleton met in 2001 while studying together at the University of St. Andrews.
Researchers at England’s University of Saint Andrews say that photosynthetic life on such a planet might end up as a drab black or gray. Or even with a high SPF.
英国圣安德鲁大学的研究人员表示,在这样的行星上, 植物的光合作用结果只会是呈单调的黑色或者灰色, 甚至是更深的颜色.
HRH Prince William described the University of St Andrews as by ‘far and away the best University in the world’ when he returned to launch its 600th Anniversary Campaign.
A team of psychologists at the University of st Andrews invited men to play a computerised game for money.
St Andrews University researchers have developed in-built phone sensors to work out how people's emotions are influenced by their surroundings.
The finding emerged from a tournament set up by the behavioral biologists Kevin Laland and Luke Rendell of the University of St. Andrews.
He now lives in Fife with his wife and children and teaches Creative Writing, Literature and Ecology courses at the University of St Andrews.
She met Prince William while they were both students at st Andrews University and have been dating for eight years.
Dr. Laland is an evolutionary biologist at the University of St. Andrews in Scotland.
The University of St Andrews 600th Anniversary will span three calendar years from 2011 to 2013.
The pair began dating eight years ago while they both studied at St. Andrews University.
The small study by St. Andrews University found that women who have a softer, feminine face, such as full lips and wide eyes, have higher oestrogen levels.
They began dating in 2002 while studying at the University of St. Andrews in Scotland, where they shared a house.
Prince William and Miss Middleton met at the University of St Andrews and both graduated in 2005.
Her boss during these three months of her gap year between leaving fee-paying Marlborough College and going up to St Andrews University was former round-the-world yachtsman Sir Chay Blyth.
William and Kate, who have been dating since meeting at St Andrews University seven years ago, have been plagued by speculation about when they will finally tie the knot.
Kevin Laland of st Andrews University, who also took part in the study, said: "Nine-spined sticklebacks may be the geniuses of the fish world."
The study “can be used to guide our searches for other life-bearing planets” as well, says astronomer Moira Jardine of the University of St. Andrews in Scotland.
这项研究也“能够被用于我们寻找其他有生命的行星,” 位于斯科特兰(Scotland)的圣安德鲁斯大学(University of St. Andrews)的天文学家莫伊拉·贾丁(Moira Jardine)说。
Peter Andrews, director of the Centre for Stem cell Biology at the University of Sheffield, says the MIT team's key advance is suppressing the cell's immune response to RNA.
The team, working at the Perception Lab at the University of st Andrews in Scotland, first assessed the skin colour of people in relation to their diet.
"Our results so far are very encouraging and have far exceeded our expectations," said professor Peter Bruce, of the University of st Andrews' chemistry department, in a news release Monday.
They began dating eight years ago while studying at st Andrews University in Fife, where they Shared a house.
Prince William and Kate Middleton met during their freshmen year at the University of St. Andrews in Scotland and embarked on an eight-year courtship that earned Kate the nickname "Waity Katie."
Mark A. W. Andrews, director and professor of physiology at Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine at Seton Hill University in Greensburg, Pa., replies
Prince William and Miss Middleton, both 28, announced their engagement on November 16 after an eight-year courtship that began at St Andrews University.