It is useful to protect Angle of slope.
Using the formula proposed abutment locations to determine the consult position and the stable angle of slope.
The decrease of emphatic pressure is roughly characteristic by linearity, and Angle of slope add by increase of pressure.
The shear stress concentrates in the retaining substructure and the Angle of slope, especially serious in the Angle of slope.
And look at the slope of the roof, the steep angle helps keep off all that rain and snow that accumulates in the winter.
Conclusion in tooth shape keys, the tooth slope angel increases, along with slope Angle of duplicated trace decrease.
The main water embankment, slope Angle of six mesh gabion mesh pad and other anti erosion structure of Hayman, flexible, adaptive advantage foundation.
The shape and Angle of the slope are important factors.
If the angle of the slope is steep, the snow is set rolling by any disturbance, such as wind.
The long shallow slope on the main roof at the entrance is inspired by the angle of repose of the local soil.
The analysis of free vibration of hydropower house by means of two methods are deformation of inclination Angle and slope deflection.
Of the chute, the slope requirements of fit, the best angle of 25 degrees -40 degrees, chute between the hopper and pumps to have a certain space, easy to clean hopper and sieve.
The relative reliable way is using fixed minor slope Angle of supporting rod or trestle and changing the height of camera to obtain different sample area.
First of all, it put forward the method by designing suitable slope angle of the pitched roof that can save the planning place.
It is especially suitable for drilling of hole with great slope Angle.
Based on the theory of extensive Angle analysis for slope stability, the equivalence surface method adopting disturbed energy as the criterion is proposed.
The gait and footprint distribution of a camel walking on sand, the regular changing pattern of motion parameters with the changing of walking speed and the slope Angle were studied.
The results indicate that elastic modulus, the angle of internal friction, and cohesive stress of the backfill are main factors affecting the stability of the slope.
Boresight error slope (BSES) is defined as the ratio of Angle shift to the tracing Angle of the antenna.
The accurate interpretation shows that such domal bodies are the seismic reflections of non-reef-bank deposits of low angle thrust faults, slope slump accumulative zones and turbidite fans.
The report takes account into the influence of foreshore and shallow foreshore, roughness, slope, berm, wave attack Angle, vertical wall and so on.
When dig high cutting, except the control of side slope Angle and shoulder (road) 's elevation, width. We also should control roadbed's filling and press degree.
According to the model of the welding position, giving a weld seam point, the weld orientation then can be resolved from the weld rotation Angle and the weld slope Angle.
The engineering geology characteristics of the slope rock body are vital important for the selection of open-air mining slope Angle and the stability of the slope.
The idea of dichotomy method is used to optimize and design the slope Angle and the process of the optimization is given.
The idea of dichotomy method is used to optimize and design the slope Angle and the process of the optimization is given.