This essay, based on the talent-stimulating theory, probes into the necessity and application of the annual-salary system for principles in the higher learning institutions.
His annual salary is sixty-five thousand dollars.
And it also put McClendon in clear violation of his employment agreement, which had required him to own Chesapeake stock worth five times his annual salary and bonus.
The average annual salary for a customer service representative in 2008 was $29,860, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).
On the practical side, the Certification Magazine annual salary survey consistently shows that certified IT professionals make more than those who are not certified.
What's more, none have an annual salary above $40, 000.
And within less than a month, his employer counteroffered with a position in another division and a $25, 000 bump in his annual salary.
Additionally, specialists without a degree can also work here, provided the employer is willing to pay an (annual) salary of at least 100,000 DM.
Seeing as paramedics have high stress jobs that require them to be on call and ready to save lives at a moment's notice, you might expect their mean annual salary to be higher.
His work was well received and Frazetta was well paid: that first commission paid more than his current annual salary.
The best-paying state for these professionals is New Jersey, where they pull in an average annual salary of $134,170.
In all but one of 30 OECD countries, a married one-earner couple with two children takes home more money than a single person with no children on the same average annual salary.
Writer, median annual salary: $48,888.
How much is your annual salary?
They get paid well: The average annual salary for air traffic controllers was $109,000 in 2009, the latest figures available from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Under his compensation package, Lloyds Chief Executive Eric Daniels, could receive up to 225% of his GBP 1 million annual salary, which would be paid in shares deferred for three years.
按照莱斯银行首席执行长丹尼尔斯(Eric Daniels)的合同薪酬,他最高有望获得100万英镑年薪的225%,支付形式可能是延迟三年支付的股票。
How do you feel about an annual salary of RMB100000 plus bonus?
Though not necessary to practice, this additional accreditation can add approximately $20,000 to your annual salary, according to the IFC。
The assessment result works as the basis of performance bonus and annual salary adjustment.
I joined the best car racing team in the country as a major racer so my hardest time had passed. My annual salary was 80 000 Yuan.
Turns out he makes my annual salary in a month.
The instruction requires the basic annual salary paid by month.
It is alleptable in China to ask about a person's job, annual salary, marital/dating status, or age.
A native Brit can pinpoint a person's place of birth, annual salary, and parentage going back three generations within moments of hearing another Brit speak.
A native Brit can pinpoint a person's place of birth, annual salary, and parentage going back three generations within moments of hearing another Brit speak.