Such anomalous behavior is thought to be a precursor effect of superconductivity.
When a parameter representing the anomalous level of stochastic rays is less than 0.5, there is abnormal behavior in pdf of stochastic rays, which causes the mean received power to diverge.
Both geniuses and mad men usually follow anomalous patterns of behavior.
Moreover, the water glass transition shows an anomalous dissipation behavior that is quite different to the traditional one.
The main subject of this paper is the study of the anomalous thermal conductivity enhancement and the mechanism of thermal transport behavior in nanofluids.
This model describe a good self-similar structure and has a good anomalous scaling behavior.
The equation of pressure behavior has been established for composite infinite gas reservoir of anomalous pressure in the condition of constant pressure, and we apply it to obtain the equation of rate.
The equations of pressure behavior have been established for homogeneous gas reservoir of anomalous pressure in the condition of constant pressure, and we apply them to obtain the equations of rate.
The equations of pressure behavior have been established for homogeneous gas reservoir of anomalous pressure in the condition of constant pressure, and we apply them to obtain the equations of rate.