Now, new evidence reveals that all or most of the Antarctic ice sheet collapsed at least once during the past 1.3 million years.
As Herman Engleheart, a co-author from the California Institute of Technology says, "the West Antarctic ice sheet disappear once and can disappear again."
Scientists agree that the key player in this scenario is the West Antarctic ice sheet, a Brazil-size mass of frozen water that is as much as 7000 feet thick.
The Antarctic Ice Sheet waxed and waned, and global sea level rose and fell.
Pine Island glacier(PIG) is one of many at the fringes of the West Antarctic ice sheet.
Mass balance of Antarctic ice sheet and mean sea level are the factors in global change study.
There is 10 feet of sea level rise stored up in the unstable part of the West Antarctic ice sheet.
The Gamburtsev subglacial mountains are thought to be the birthplace of the vast East Antarctic Ice Sheet.
China's automatic space observatory at Dome Argus, the highest point of the Antarctic ice sheet, has been successfully completed.
Until February, it had been the tongue of the Mertz Glacier, sticking out from the East Antarctic ice sheet into the Southern Ocean.
The green house effect will cause that Antarctic ice sheet (especially on the ice shelves) to be partly melt away, but can not destroy it.
Microwave satellite remote sensing is a practical way of monitoring long-term changes in the properties of the entire Antarctic ice sheet.
Uncertainties in the model gave the scientists only a broad estimate of ice loss in the East Antarctic ice sheet of between 5bn and 109bn tonnes a year.
Among the fastest moving glaciers in Antarctica, Pine Island drains about 79 cubic kilometers (19 cubic miles) of ice per year from the West Antarctic ice Sheet.
Tens of thousands of baby penguins face starvation after two giant icebergs broke off the Antarctic ice sheet and blocked their parents' way to feeding areas.
As a primary outlet for the West Antarctic Ice Sheet, the Pine Island Glacier is one of the largest sources of uncertainty in global sea level rise projections.
Presently, most research is concentrated on the coastal ice shelves of WAIS (West Antarctic ice Sheet), very few work has been done for in-land glaciers in East Antarctica.
However, the instability of West Antarctic Ice Sheet will increase with the climatic worming and thus will become the most important in the factors causing the sea level rise.
Moreover, the height changes of several profiles over Antarctic ice sheet between 2003 and 2006 are also analyzed, the results show that the height changes are in a range of-0.
Furthermore, sea level fluctuated tens of meters during this interval, suggesting a highly volatile East Antarctic Ice Sheet when CO2 concentrations were near this threshold value.
If coastal ice shelves buttressing the west Antarctic ice sheet continue to disintegrate, the sheet could disgorge into the ocean, raising sea levels by several metres in a century.
And recent studies suggest that the destruction of large parts of the Antarctic ice sheet may have become inevitable, even though that could take hundreds or thousands of years to play out.
The survey confirmed the West Antarctic ice sheet is melting rapidly with the loss of around 132bn tonnes of ice a year, but revealed unexpected melting in the larger East Antarctic ice sheet.
Scatterometer and radiometer image data have a greater spatial and more frequent coverage, albeit at a lower spatial resolution, making these instruments ideal for monitoring the Antarctic ice sheet.
But whereas the Alps' snowcaps are just deep enough for skiing, Antarctic mountains are swallowed up by their caps, and lie buried beneath an ice sheet that is five kilometers thick.
But whereas the Alps' snowcaps are just deep enough for skiing, Antarctic mountains are swallowed up by their caps, and lie buried beneath an ice sheet that is five kilometers thick.