Most people, he said, believe that wild street dogs make the best anti-terrorist dogs, having survived the, well, dog-eat-dog world of the mean streets.
Next year the member states of the SCO will hold another joint anti-terrorist exercise in Russia.
This reflects not just stubbornness but confidence in his control of Yemen's air force and elite army corps that have benefited from anti-terrorist training and equipment supplied by Western donors.
The device looked like a shoulder-fired anti-aircraft missile launcher. Unfortunately we lost both the terrorist and the device when the group self-destructed to avoid capture.
The prosecution contended that his seizure not only violated Italian sovereignty but also aborted an important anti-terrorist investigation.
Dogs that have been well cared for, loved, and protected all their lives — those are the best anti-terrorist dog candidates.
All those measures have exerted and will continue to exert positive influence on raising the joint anti-terrorist capacity of the organization and maintaining regional peace and stability.
Many big roads are concrete anti-terrorist obstacle courses.
His reconstruction of a savagely botched anti-terrorist operation at a Moscow theatre is particularly effective.
But they are a reminder that throwing money at terrorism works no better than throwing money at anything else, and that some kinds of anti-terrorist spending are more efficient than others.
We are investigating, and we have dispatched our anti-terrorist squad, to figure out the cause.
But serious questions persist over the investigation and trial, carried out under a now-defunct anti-terrorist law.
In recent years the SCO has held three joint anti-terrorist exercises and its member states conducted fruitful cooperation in the fields of information exchange and judicial assistance.
About the game: "anti-terrorist operation" is a software developed by Kingsoft operation and maintenance of the main perspective 3d shooting game leisure.
British anti-terrorist police, backed by a bomb squad and officers wearing protect suits, have shot a man during a raid on a house in east London.
"Operation Crevice", as the investigation was known, was at the time the biggest anti-terrorist operation in Britain.
Why did Ukrainian air traffic controllers allow the plane to deviate from the regular route to the north, towards "the anti-terrorist operation zone"?
In recent years, the tracing and traceability of food safety are more and more significant to the epidemic control, the precaution of food pollution and anti-terrorist.
It was strange that I passed Japan and China Airport Customs smoothly. It seems that if the two countries want to anti-terrorist, there are many loopholes.
It was strange that I passed Japan and China Airport Customs smoothly. It seems that if the two countries want to anti-terrorist, there are many loopholes.