We check the performance in antiseismic appraisal with two examples.
The invention provides an antiseismic article, in particular an antiseismic bed.
The antiseismic research of subway tunnel is very important in earthquake engineering.
The antiseismic research of underground structures is very important in earthquake engineering.
The column of the present invention can raise the antiseismic performance of building and reduce engineering cost.
The nonlinearly damped energy model does not experience energy resonance, and it is of high antiseismic capability.
Two kinds of advantage antiseismic structure shapes are proposed on the basis of the structure system's entirety action.
Antiseismic design for building engineering is the most important step ensuring the required quality of antiseismic design.
Significance and importance of Yingxian Wooden Tower of Shanxi in historical earthquake and antiseismic engineering research are discussed.
The problems of the antiseismic design of building should be taken seriously, particularly the design essentials for building frame structure.
Mathematical model which complys with both codes of Concrete structure Design (GBJ10 89) and Antiseismic Constructure Design (GBJ11 89) is set up.
按照现行的《混凝土结构设计规范》GBJ10 - 89及《建筑抗震设计规范》GBJ11 - 89的要求建立了数学模型。
Water and food can be put in a clearance between the damping bedstead and the antiseismic ring for eating when people are trapped in a collapsed building.
Energy dissipation is a new kind of antiseismic technology. Structural shock absorption by viscous dampers is one of the most effective energy dissipation methods.
Italy's first modern law on antiseismic norms was passed in 1976, as a response to the temblor that devastated the Trentino Alto Adige, a northern province in the Alps.
Based on the sample, the methods on extension - reform and antiseismic strengthening design for existent masonry building in number of floors is introduced in this paper.
The results are used to evaluate the site and afford reference grounds for antiseismic design and selecting the infrastructure of high building foundation in downtown area of Fuzhou.
In this paper, antiseismic behavior of staggered truss system is studied on the base of the review of theoretical study and practical application of staggered truss system at home and abroad.
In this paper, antiseismic behavior of staggered truss system is studied on the base of the review of theoretical study and practical application of staggered truss system at home and abroad.