To set up a named virtual host for the application, open the Apache configuration file (httpd.conf or httpd-vhosts.conf) and add the following lines to it
要为应用程序设置一个已命名的虚拟主机,请打开Apache配置文件(httpd.confor httpd-vhosts.conf)并添加以下行
The virtual host which partitions a message brokers data into distinct sets, very much alike the virtual host concept in webservers such as the Apache HTTP daemon.
Setting up a virtual host for an actual production server is beyond the scope of this article and you should refer to the official Apache documentation for that.
Setting up a virtual host in the Apache web server is not exactly a PHP topic, but many PHP developers use the Apache web server to test web pages on their development machine.
建立一个在ApacheWeb服务器的虚拟主机是不完全是一个PHP的话题,但是许多PHP开发人员使用Apache Web服务器,以测试他们的开发机器上的网页。
Please note that this information pertains to setting up a virtual host in Apache on a Windows machine for use as a local testing server.
Please note that this information pertains to setting up a virtual host in Apache on a Windows machine for use as a local testing server.