An application class loader leak occurs when applications are restarted but their class loaders are not cleaned up.
You must make the client classes of the EJB remote interfaces available to the Web application class loader. This can be done in two ways.
While deploying, class loading conflicts are resolved by using a different application class loader for each enterprise application module.
Application class loader Leaks lists all of the application class loaders, indicating whether any of them are stopped and therefore leaking.
Application Class LoaderLeaks列示所有应用程序类加载器,表明它们是否被停止,因此导致泄漏。
The application class loader is responsible for loading EJB modules packaged in EJB JAR files and utility classes packaged in dependent JAR files.
To ensure that the Web application class loader picks up the portlet TLD files, you must also declare the portlet taglib directly, as shown in Listing 10.
为了确保Web应用程序类装入器获得portletTLD文件,您还必须直接声明 portlettaglib,如清单10 所示
The system class loader (also known as the application class loader) is the class loader responsible for loading code from the path specified by the CLASSPATH environment variable.
Web modules within the J2EE application are loaded using a WAR class loader that is a child of the application class loader for the enterprise application containing the Web module.
The application ClassLoader Leaks query will find all stopped application class loaders and interrogate suspects that cause the class loader to be ineligible for garbage collection.
Application ClassLoaderLeaks查询将找到所有停止的应用程序类加载器,询问可能导致类加载器不适合垃圾收集的可疑对象。
It also shows class loader information — again, this is simple because the application is so simple.
Here, we use reflection because we have loaded the application using a class loader that is not the system class loader.
The disadvantage of this approach is that the modified class loader would have to be distributed along with the application for it to run on older JVMs.
Each EAR application should have a unique string name for the class loader. Here, we use the application name in the class loader name to avoid repetition.
So whilst in a traditional application, classes from a logging library, a client and server JAR may be loaded by the same class loader, in an OSGi module system, each would be loaded by their own.
If the class loader tries to find a nonexistent resource, all the JAR files within the application or applet will have to be downloaded.
For example, the selected class loader in Figure 5 now shows that it is the class loader for the PlantsByWebSphere Web application.
In the Tomcat hierarchy of class loaders shown in Figure 1, for instance, classes loaded by the Common class loader will never be able to directly access (by name) classes loaded by a Web application.
To create an application context, it USES a context loader class named ContextLoader, which loads the application context.
The jboss-app.xml file specifies the class loader for this application.
This, combined with the different class loader implementations in each application server, can potentially create problems when migrating.
These methods let the framework set the class loader to be used for each application while running code from that application.
The application hangs because each thread owns a lock on one of the class loaders and wants the lock on the other class loader, as illustrated in the timeline diagram in Figure 2.
When the web application is redeployed, a new class loader is created, and new versions of the classes are loaded in.
This approach means that application restarts are typically much faster than "cold starts" since the base class loader is already available and populated.
This approach means that application restarts are typically much faster than "cold starts" since the base class loader is already available and populated.