There are two.msi files installed to the users application data directory.
The data file is kept in the WEB-INF directory of the sample application.
数据文件放在示例应用程序的WEB - INF目录。
Make sure the bookinfor directory exists within it, and copy the XML data files over before testing the sample application.
The second parameter is the name of the application relative to the Lotus Notes data directory.
Prior to Version 6 of WebSphere Application Server, both product binaries and user data were located under the WebSphere installation directory
在WebSphereApplicationServer 第 6版之前,产品二进制文件和用户数据都位于 WebSphere安装目录下
The core of ApacheDS is a directory service that can store application data and perform search operations on different types of data.
A directory service is an application that stores and organizes data.
Configuration data can be placed either in a separate configuration file in the application root directory, or in the App.config file for the application.
配置文件可以放在程序根目录下的一个单独的文件里,也可以放在App. config文件里。
The application opens the Domino Directory (in this case named testnab.nsf) and retrieves data from the People view.
应用程序打开DominoDirectory(本例中名为testnab . nsf)并检索people视图中的数据。
Use this directory to store user documents and application data files.
Use this directory to store user documents and application data files.