InfoQ spoke with Paremus Marketing Manager Andrew Rowney to learn more about this release and about Infiniflow's new application server model.
It establishes how a remote application server should be identified and located and determines a basic security model for accessing an application server.
This dynamic run time provisioning model helps improve startup time as well as memory consumption of the application server.
Since many of the surrounding XML technologies are common to the application server and the browser, you can extend the XML data model seen in the first article to the client as well.
The XU makes configuration and runtime data available to the management model and implements the JCA contracts between the application server and the rule engine.
XU让管理模型可以访问配置和运行时数据,在应用服务器和规则引擎之间实现J ca契约。
Using this model, you can take advantage of wsadmin scripting objects and WebSphere Application Server libraries.
使用此模型可以充分利用wsadmin脚本对象和WebSphereApplication server库带来的好处。
This article series has primarily explained the programming model and extensions provided for portlets running on WebSphere Application Server.
本系列文章首先说明了为WebSphereApplication Server上运行的Portlet提供的编程模型和扩展。
You should also have adequate WebSphere Application Server knowledge: understand the JMS programming model, and know how to configure an integration bus and destinations.
您还应具备适当的WebSphereApplication Server知识:理解JMS编程模型,并知道如何配置集成总线和目的地。
Directly interacting with WebSphere Application Server configuration model via wsadmin has its drawbacks and can be error prone.
通过wsadmin直接与WebSphereApplication Server配置模型进行互操作有一定的缺陷,容易出现错误。
In addition to the changes to the WebSphere Application Server V5 process model outlined above, there are corresponding changes to the transports used from prior versions.
除了以上指出的对WebSphereApplication ServerV5进程模型的更改外,还存在着对早期版本中使用的传输所作的相应修改。
Apart from enabling high availability and configuring the recovery log location for each cluster member, no additional WebSphere Application Server configuration steps are required to use this model.
除了对每个群成员启用高可用性和设定恢复日志所处位置外,使用该模式无需额外的WebSphereApplication Server配置步骤。
Based on the J2EE programming model, developers can evolve to the more advanced WebSphere Application Server products with minimal disruption.
根据J2EE编程模型,开发人员可以开发更高级的WebSphereApplication Server产品,而中断程度最小。
The good news is that WebSphere Application Server support of WS-Security is through a declarative model.
好消息是,WebSphereApplication Server对Web服务安全性(WS - Security)的支持是通过声明性的模型进行的。
If you use Spring 2.5 with WebSphere Application Server V6.0.2.19 or V6.1.0.9 or later, you can take advantage of full support for Spring's declarative transaction model.
如果将Spring 2.5与WebSphereApplication ServerV6.0.2.19或V6.1.0.9或者更高版本一起使用,则可以利用对Spring的声明式事务模型的完全支持。
SproutCore development often takes a bottom-up approach, starting with describing the data model needed in the application and how it will be accessed from the server.
Sprout Core开发通常采用一个自底向上的方法,从描述应用程序所需的数据模型以及其如何从服务器访问开始。
The Jython script programming model highlights the scripting objects and WebSphere Application Server library; it's shown in Figure 2.
Jython脚本编程模型强调了脚本对象和WebSphereApplication Server库,如图 2 所示。
Managed connection means that the application server manages the lifecycle of the connection (3-tier model).
The get-use-close model might sound inefficient, but the connection pooling the application server implements should make the "get" operation cheap.
get -use - close模式看起来效率不高,但是应用服务器实现的连接池可降低“获得”操作的成本。
The interaction between Web-based users and the application server follows the original Web model using the HTTP protocol.
Typical Web services employ a remote presentation paradigm, meaning all view logic executes on the client, whereas the application logic and the data layer (controller and model) reside on the server.
The classic web application model works like this: Most user actions in the interface trigger an HTTP request back to a web server.
The controller is provided by a servlet that runs in the embedded Jetty Web server, and the Derby database ACTS as the back end and represents the model layer for the application.
The EJB component model from Sun requires that EJB components run in the context of an EJB server, commonly called an application server.
Sun公司制定的EJ b组件模型要求EJ b组件运行于ejb服务器(通常称为应用服务器)的环境下。
SCA represents the SOA programming model of the IBM SOA Foundation and is a strategic technology of the IBM application server and business process management software portfolios.
This overview describes the differences between the z/OS process model and the other WebSphere Application server platforms.
In this case, the source code for the application is migrated to the new programming model and reworked so that you can deploy a migrated application to Process Server.
在这种情况下,将应用程序的源代码迁移到新编程模型并进行改写,以便您可以将迁移的应用程序部署到Process Server。
To do this, in the Application Server administrative console, click Applications => Monitor Models and make sure the model application is running.
为此,请在Application Server管理控制台中单击Applications =>MonitorModels,确保模型应用程序在运行。
Each servant process in this model is identical, hosting the necessary application server components to enable the J2EE application programming model.
Each servant process in this model is identical, hosting the necessary application server components to enable the J2EE application programming model.