Physical object of bus protection is a function with certain relation between inputs and outputs, which can be replaced by an ANN model, i. e. can be approximated by an ANN mathematical model.
Results:Analysis showed that the predicted coma duration estimation by the prognostication model approximated the real coma duration of the patient.
Since it was proved that the homography between two windows of corresponding feature can be geometrically approximated by an affine transformation model.
The protected object of bus protection is a function with certain input and output, which can be represented by ANN model, or approximated by ANN mathematical model.
An intelligent sampling technique coupled with the steepest descent method is implemented for on-line estimation of the process, which can be approximated by a second-order model with time delay.
The nonlinear plant is approximated by a Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy linear model using local linearization method.
The ac coefficients of an image's Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) are best approximated by Laplacian distribution model. Based on this model, the blind information hiding algorithm was proposed.
Motor system is non linear, however it can be linear approximated in an operating point. First order and second order motor model is used in the discussion.
To solve the uncertain control problem of system, the uncertain parameters were described by the interval model, and the uncertain control problem was approximated by a deterministic.
To solve the uncertain control problem of system, the uncertain parameters were described by the interval model, and the uncertain control problem was approximated by a deterministic.