To speed up the hardening process, artificial aging is employed.
Both natural aging methods and artificial aging methods could advance grape wine aging.
MDA content decreased, and then increased, but decreased at last during the artificial aging.
The effect of welding parameters and artificial aging on the overlap joints were investigated.
Casting pass by strict artificial aging and vibration aging so as to make sure the rigidity and stability of lathe.
After hard anodizing, surface roughness increases, the surface roughness of artificial aging (T6) is bigger and grows faster.
The effect of environment factors on the ageing of polymer materials, the ways of artificial aging test and the ways of protection against ageing are introduced.
Artificial aging methods included small quantity oxygen aging and oxidation process, ozone addition method, electromagnetic field aging method, and microwave aging method.
The process of photochemical degradation was assessed by Fourier Transform infra-red (FTIR) spectroscopy, weight loss and hydroperoxide analysis following artificial aging.
The drawing difficulty is settled by adopting small draught and multi-pass drawing process, reducing the thickness of Zn-Fe alloy and using artificial aging process actively.
Combining with the quality control level of high-quality magnetic iron of Taigang and the test methods of magnetic aging, improving process of artificial aging was put forward.
The effect of heat treatment(including homogenizing treatment, quenching method and artificial aging)on the structure and mechanical property of 6063 aluminum alloy was studied.
Pre-aging increases the density and volume of precipitates after artificial aging, which decreases the disadvantage of the nature aging and improves the hardness of auto sheets.
The effects of plastic deformation prior to artificial aging on the microstructure and tensile properties of 2197 Al-Li alloy were investigated through tensile test, SEM and TEM.
This article try to find out the effect of the packing materials and film base to conservation character of panchromatic portrait film through doing the artificial aging experiment .
Characteristics of America QUV aging machine and Xenon lamp aging applied in artificial accelerated experiments are described. Their application fields are given also.
Based on characteristics of BP neural network which can precisely analyze multi-variable nonlinear systems using artificial intelligence, in this paper, we proposed model for predicting rubber aging.
Artificial weathering test shows that 6911 has better long term anti aging performances than that of BW 10ld and 944.
人工加速试验表明,6 911型光稳定剂与BW10ld和944相比,具有更为优异的长期防老化性能。
Artificial weathering test shows that 6911 has better long term anti aging performances than that of BW 10ld and 944.
人工加速试验表明,6 911型光稳定剂与BW10ld和944相比,具有更为优异的长期防老化性能。