Sure. Anyone may become ill as a result of stress if they experience a lot of worry over a long period.
In some cases, a long history of poor family relationships may worsen as a result of stress and frustration as the older person becomes more dependent.
We know that it occurs as a result of stress, and p53 is a classic 'stress' protein, going into action when cells experience stress-related DNA damage.
This has doubled since teachers TV's last poll on stress, carried out in 2006. At the time just over one in eight (13%) teachers had taken a day off work as a result of stress.
But steel alloys subjected to cyclic stress levels below their endurance limit rarely fail as a result of fatigue.
As a result, at the start of the sales event, the retailers systems experience a tremendous spike in volume, placing a tremendous stress on the relatively cold system.
Initial results show effective support for mothers under stress as a result of the centers.
When the body produces these cytokines over long periods of time-for instance, as a result of chronic stress-all sorts of bad things can happen.
The latter means that the dollar is seen as a “safe haven” currency at times of stress even when, as in 2008, the stress was the result of events within America itself.
For example, professional workers increasingly confront a brutal work pace and as a result experience a great deal of stress on the job.
Eustress is a healthy kind of stress because it motivates and inspires us in our daily life activity and work. As a result, it gives us positive feelings of fulfillment and enthusiasm.
Rather, they are generally the result of repeated mechanical stress to a vulnerable, weight-bearing bone, such as those in the feet.
First has to carry the heavy furniture into a new home, as a result of the stress per unit area is larger, if a new shop of wooden floor, it will be very easy to make wooden plate damage problems.
As a result, the stress-relaxation of yarn is obviously observed, and the cyclic loading has much more influence on the tensile property of yarn.
Their vast report will shed light on the costs from heightened water stress, tropical storms, floods, droughts, species loss and human disease this century as a result of global warning.
Hence, as for as the result of its deformation is concerned, collapse loess upon wetting at a state of certain stress is equivalent to that with applied extra load.
We are living in a highly developing world and together with the development many problems have come out to us. As a result of these problems we feel kinds of stress.
People often experience tress as a result of events in their lives. Stress is a physical condition that results from real or expected problems.
Moreover, they are able to decrease the temperature and increase the stress of hot cracking formation, as a result, decrease the tendency of hot cracking.
Customer value creation does not stress too much on competition but can often gain sustaining competitive advantage as a result. This is the strategic effect of customer value creation.
As a result, analyzing stress-strain of gravity dam has been a concerned problem in gravity dam design and engineering.
As a result, the stress - strain of spillway block is an essential control factor to the project's success.
It was found that the broach was locally overheated due to band segregation of carbide, and under-tempered. These factors caused fracture of broach as a result of high internal stress.
Analysis shows that the phenomena of land subsidence can be well interpreted by stress redistribution and its consequent deformation occurred in the soil layer as a result of subterranean pumping.
As a result, the stress-relaxation of yarn is obviously observed, and the cyclic loading has much more influence on the tensile property...
However, the excessive refinement of grains resulted in the growth stress increase of the oxides film and then the oxide films cracked and shed; as a result, the oxidation was exacerbated.
However, for some reasons, this trend was gradually reduced to the stress on Western learning alone. As a result, the position and value of Chinese learning were much lowered.
However, for some reasons, this trend was gradually reduced to the stress on Western learning alone. As a result, the position and value of Chinese learning were much lowered.