As we say on this home page here, by default, we anonomize you when you log into this bulletin board, whereby, you're all logged in as students.
Or, as we say another way, bon appétit!
(Buen provecho!)或者我们用另一种方法说,bon appétit!
So I got a little, as we say in Russian.
Just as we say in English, "no pain, no gain".
As we say in English, "It's the thought that counts."
就像我们在英文中说的"It'sthethoughtthatcounts." (“礼轻情意重”)。
As we say in Texas, 'If it ain't broke, don't fix it.'
As we say, the day must come when the young are "grown and flown".
Many of those who have had, as we say, all that this world can give.
I do not think things are ever as good as we say and they are never as bad as they say.
My point?The translator must not simply translate literally, word-for-word, as we say in English.
We're very happy for them, we're very happy for their parents, and mazel tov, as we say in New York.
Please let us know if you can visit us sometime Until then, you again, or as we say in Chinese, 'Zaijian!'
We exaggerate misfortune and happiness alike. We are never either so wretched or so happy as we say we are.
As soon as we say or think anything similar to any of those phrases, we should attempt to identify the source.
"As we say goodbye to the great year of Tiger, I would like to say 'Welcome, Rabbit, '" Joyce Zhou, CSA adviser.
To send a letter to a metropolis of your immensity — 32 million residents! — shows, as we say here in New York, chutzpah.
The ideal family is one in which the message children receive from parents is: we love you, but you must do as we say.
As we say, better installation allows a high quality air-condition to contribute its maximum efficiency. So do the partitions.
As we say, the emergence of soft component technology means a substantial reform to the traditional software development process.
Growing up can be difficult. At times it can, as we say, be a hard row to hoe. It's a phrase we use to describe any difficult task.
There are many people whose cultures are undeveloped, who are, as we say, uncivilized, but the languages they speak are not primitive.
Many of those who have had, as we say, all that this world can give, have yet told us they owed much of their purest happiness to books.
Let me tell you a story about a man named Jed, who has been in the oil business (or as we say in Texas "the bidness") for about 30 years.
And as we say "good evening" or "good morning, " whatever time this is, why, please tell all of your lovely listeners that we do love them madly."
And as we say "good evening" or "good morning, " whatever time this is, why, please tell all of your lovely listeners that we do love them madly."