Methods: Atomic absorption spectrophotometry was used to determine the contents.
Their zinc and calcium contents were determined by atomic absorption spectrophotometry.
A indirect method of atomic absorption spectrophotometry to measure trace iodide is proposed.
Atomic absorption spectrophotometry was used to determine the serum zinc concentration in rabbits.
Method: Atomic absorption spectrophotometry was used to determine the content of trace elements in hair.
This review has reported recent advance of atomic absorption spectrophotometry in medicine and pharmacy.
The content of trace elements in horseshoe crab plasma was determined by atomic absorption spectrophotometry.
The contents of elements K, Na, ca, Mg in carbon fibre were determined by atomic absorption spectrophotometry.
To establish the method to determine lead in Polyaluminium chloride by flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry.
Combining flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry, the samples were determined and satisfactory results were obtained.
The contents of the pollutant element, lead, in edible nuts were determined by flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry.
It is simple and quick to determine trace Pb and Bi in pure copper using the graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrophotometry.
A method of ultimate precision in flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry (FAAS) and applicable practice are introduced in this peper.
Methods: Using flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry and graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrophotometry to determine the contents.
Arsenic is separated from the bismuth matrix by ion exchange method and determined by hydride generation atomic absorption spectrophotometry.
Methods The contents of dissolvable zinc salt in deodorants extracted by pure water were detected by flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry.
The content of Pb in 10 kinds of Chinese traditional medicine for curing cerebrovascular was determined by atomic absorption spectrophotometry.
To determine trace copper and lead and cadmium in water by using the method of Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption spectrophotometry in the paper.
The contents of Cu, Zn and fe in different muscle tissues of pigs and chickens were determined by flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry (FAAS).
Method: Using atomic absorption spectrophotometry to detect 613 pregnant women who are lack of microelement, then investigating the lack of 5 microelement.
Methods The copper content was determined by atomic absorption spectrophotometry (AAS) and inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES).
方法采用原子吸收分光光度法(AAS),电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱法(ICP - AES)分别测定铜含量。
The content of magnesium in 10 kinds of Chinese traditional medicine for curing cerebrovascular disease was determined by atomic absorption spectrophotometry.
0 an auxiliary software for data processing in atomic absorption spectrophotometry was complied and applied well in GGX-9 atomic absorption spectrophotometer.
0编程工具编制了原子吸收辅助处理软件,并在GGX - 9型原子吸收分光光度计上得到了良好应用。
The content of iron and other elements in different cooking utensils in different condition has been determined with flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry.
Contents of MMC and magnetic fluid in the magnetic pro-drug were measured by gel filtration chromatography and atomic absorption spectrophotometry, respectively.
The less sample and great Volume of liquid sample are used to make the determination of gold and silver in lead anode slime by atomic absorption spectrophotometry.
The solution in ampoules has been measured by flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry without significant difference between preparing value and measuring value.
Methods the atomic absorption spectrophotometry (AAS) was used to determine the content of Pb, Cr, as, Hg and Cu in decoction and artificial gastric juice of Fluorite.
The method for the determination of trace mercury in water samples by hydride generation atomic absorption spectrophotometry after cloud point extraction was proposed.
The method for the determination of trace mercury in water samples by hydride generation atomic absorption spectrophotometry after cloud point extraction was proposed.