Lecture notes will be distributed at each lecture. They are not a substitute for attending the class, but a help for you to study.
Before each week's meeting, every student attending the class is required to submit a short (approximately one page) response to one of the topics for that week's discussion.
Unlike many absentees in my class who often abstained from attending the boring lectures, I dare not absolve myself from this responsibility.
While I was attending lectures on English literature at the University College, Loken Palit was my class fellow.
When attending a class, the urge to break off from paying attention and foray into reddit for some browsing and light learning can really effect your grades.
But again, attending to the slides is not a substitute for attending class.
However, in this class 'pkey' is a primary key of the event EJB, and the method returns an Enumeration of clients attending a particular event.
然而在该类中,' pkey '是EventEJB的主键,该方法返回参加特定活动的客户的枚举列表。
But when she started attending a class with an instructor who taught her how to modify the moves, she found herself returning six days a week at 7 a.m.
Although he was still not well, the boy insisted on attending class.
Someone said we should think much of the chance of attending class as it will end soon, so that we will not repentant when we leave school.
This Nigerian woman is lighting a cooking oven she made from mud and straw bricks. She learned to make it attending a class offered by a nonprofit group in the United States.
Foreign military officials attending the regatta toured a Song - class diesel - electric submarine.
I read his articles from China Tourism News and was very impressed with what he wrote. Thrilled by the chance of attending his class, I really felt fortunate.
Most of the students got bored with attending his boring class.
The lecture sections are presented sequentially and should be completed in that order. Each of these sections combines audio presentation and slides - just like attending lectures in class.
Are you interested in attending English class with me during the weekends?
The separate scale of Life desire had 15 items and 3 dimensions: lack of passion of study, attending class and living.
Attending golf instructors will have the opportunity to interact with world-class golf coaches and learn techniques that will help them become even better instructors themselves.
Attending golf instructors will have the opportunity to interact with world-class golf coaches and learn techniques that will help them become even better instructors themselves.