All this helps children to develop an inquiring attitude to learning.
Has a good attitude to learning.
How did they affect your attitude to learning?
What can be done to encourage a positive attitude to learning in young people?
很多年轻人带着厌学的态度毕业,你如何看待这个问题? 如何鼓励年轻人热爱学习?。
Active attitude to learning and work, so I developed a rigorous, pragmatic style and excellent quality of unity and cooperation.
Our attitude towards ourselves should be "to be insatiable in learning" and towards others "to be tireless in teaching".
Having a good attitude about the world, avoiding negative thinking, and learning to relax [should] all become part of a heart-wellness program.
There is a way to be lucky. It involves a positive attitude, hard work, observation, preparedness, action and a willingness to see every setback as a learning opportunity and a step towards success.
You can also make it easy by deciding to have a positive attitude accompany you in your language learning journey.
Aside from learning the power of yes, there are other ways to fight fear and develop a more courageous attitude.
Winning Attitude -we are passionate and positive about our future and customers. We celebrate our wins and learn from mistakes. Coaching and feedback are key to learning.
Realizing the incredible value of learning what not to do should have a profound effect on our attitude.
Autonomous learners accept responsibility for their learning and maintain a positive attitude to future learning.
So far, we have discussed the correct understanding of the course - how to Develop a creative attitude towards learning and how to determine the course of the study purpose.
Start learning how to reconstruct your mental attitude towards emotional factors. Fatigue from emotional conflicts can lead to suicide, debilitating diseases or imbalance in your metabolism.
But beyond learning Einstein's theories, his overall attitude towards science as a tool to liberate humanity is something from which everyone can and should learn.
Although they do this for us, but should let us have a relaxed and happy learning attitude, not to put pressure on.
Learning attitude decided to academic performance.
Learning attitude is one of the important outcomes of education during the course of transformation from intelligent education to public education.
Cultural competence requires learning to expect differences and having a positive attitude toward challenges and change.
First, "attitude determines altitude and result". To be more specific, in view of learning a foreign language, it is your attitude but not aptitude that contributes to your final success.
This part shows the research results of "After 80" working youths and the attitude to lifelong learning by collecting and arranging systematically current relevant research documents.
Self-regulation of learning enables learners to form habits of learning and change their learning attitude.
English learning in young children should focus on listening and speaking such as the use of rhymes, songs, and picture books to establish a healthy learning attitude.
Don't try to cut corners when learning English. Stepping every step steadfastly is right attitude.
Don't try to cut corners when learning English. Stepping every step steadfastly is right attitude.