The idea of the autistic savant, with prodigious, sometimes jaw-dropping, talents has taken hold in popular culture.
28 - The end came when I saw a documentary about an autistic savant who could perform astonishing feats of calculation and memory.
This comes as a relief, for Tammet, now 26, is an autistic savant with prodigious abilities similar to those that Dustin Hoffman portrayed in the film Rain Man.
现年26岁的Tammet是一位患有孤独症的怪才。 他具有与达斯汀·霍夫曼(Dustin Hoffman)在电影‘雨人’(Rain Man)中所扮演的角色相类似的超常才能。
It suggests that as many as 30% of autistic people have some sort of savant-like capability in areas such as calculation or music.
It suggests that as many as 30% of autistic people have some sort of savant-like capability in areas such as calculation or music.