Experimental study on ship motion prediction using auto regressive model was carried out.
Auto regressive (AR) modeling is widely used in signal processing. The coefficients of an AR model can be easily obtained with an LMS algorithm.
The trend part of the data can be fitted with BP (back propagation) neural network and the random part is processed by a normal ARMA (auto regressive moving average) model.
In this paper, Auto Regressive model of metal content for specially monitored metals in lubricating oil monitoring system of aeroengine is built by the method of Time Series Analysis.
The reconstruction of vehicle random vibration signal under different vehicle speed and road conditions is realized in laboratory, based on an auto regressive moving average (ARMA) time series model.
To solve the problem of modeling temperature control in the fermentation process, a neural network nonlinear auto regressive moving average(NN-NARMA) modeling method for nonlinear system is proposed.
This paper makes a positive analysis of the relation of revenue increase and economic growth in Guangxi province applying regression model, auto-regressive and dynamic distributed lag models.
A novel online fault detection algorithm based on adaptive auto-regressive (AAR) model is proposed focusing on the anomaly detection of network traffic.
Based on multi variable auto-regressive model, a long-run equilibrium model is correspondingly constructed which lies a foundation for further economic analysis.
An algorithm of feature extraction and damage alarming based on auto-regressive moving-average (ARMA) time series analysis is presented.
Research based on combination of high frequency data with Auto-regressive Conditional Duration (ACD) Model shows that ACD model can successfully describe the intensity of bargaining arrival.
This paper deals with stochastic characteristic of the wind speed, and gives an auto-regressive moving-average (ARMA) model for wind speed subjected to particular power spectral density.
The internal dynamic elements are auto-regressive moving average filters with local activation feedback and local output feedback, respectively.
A new method is suggested in this paper for design discrete-time Model Reference Adoptive control (MRAc) for controlled Auto-regressive Moving Average (CARMA) processes.
So this new Combined Prediction Approach of Multivariate Auto-regressive and Exponential Smoothing is effective.
So this new developed Combined Prediction Approach of the Fuzzy Auto-regressive and Exponential Smoothing is effective.
Meiyu predication experiment using the threshold auto-regressive model, advanced genetic algorithm, and related techniques was carried out in Taizhou.
Firstly, the modified Y-W equation was used to estimate the parameters of the time-varied auto-regressive part and the error signal;
Firstly, the modified Y-W equation was used to estimate the parameters of the time-varied auto-regressive part and the error signal;