Can you go to the auto repair shop of your choice?
He founded in 1998 Xiaodian District essence auto repair shop.
They said that the old man who came out to get me that Sunday owned the auto repair shop and was 7 filthy rich!
Hoping to start anew, he pursues his ambitions to become a young entrepreneur by developing small businesses, purchasing real estate, and running an auto repair shop.
Bart's counselor suggested that he take a crash course in auto mechanics before he apply for a job at a local repair shop.
In many auto 4s shop or repair shops, owner of the car dealers and repair shops have a place to go, during which repair master how to repair, he only took the car would know.
In many auto 4s shop or repair shops, owner of the car dealers and repair shops have a place to go, during which repair master how to repair, he only took the car would know.