He wanted to use computers to automate the process.
Automate the process for all the records.
So is there a way to automate the process?
So various tricks are used to automate the process.
This would be especially handy if you needed to automate the process.
Develop your own scripts or macros if your tools don't automate the process.
Dr Morency therefore set out to develop a computer system to automate the process.
You can also automate the process with a WordPress plugin like Tweetly Updater.
Make is a utility to automate the process of building an app from one or more files.
If you have a large number of URLs to tag, you can use spreadsheets to automate the process.
So we had to make the decision very early on to crowdsource rather than automate the process.
Then, you can learn how to make the changes correctly and even automate the process with UNIX scripts.
A sample script using mqsideploy.bat can automate the process of deploying a known set of BAR files.
使用mqsideploy . bat的样本脚本可以自动部署一组已知的BAR文件。
The build process should be defined, and the build tool should be selected (or created) to automate the process.
Automatic production line (automatic line) is able to automate the process to achieve a production machine system.
DB2 provides stored procedures to automate the process, or administrators can manually issue corresponding commands.
DB 2提供了存储过程来使这个过程自动化,管理员也可以手动发出相应的命令。
Once you understand how to use the PDE to build features and their referenced plug-ins, you can automate the process.
Thus development environments can use them to automate the process of integrating a service into a requester application.
So I decided to write an add-on that can automate the process of adding the JAMon dependency and wiring the interceptor bean.
Can we somewhat automate the process of filtering content into more manageable portions without sacrificing accuracy and relevance?
One solution is to automate the process of responding to frequent questions, says Yeich, which can positively impact customer satisfaction.
Note: one benefit of going with a one-click installation is that some providers also automate the process of upgrading Drupal core software.
Increasingly, modern Web applications are required to provide a rich interface as well RESTful Web services so that clients can automate the process.
Through the use of activities and baselines, it is possible to automate the process of determining what is different between one baseline and another.
Collect Diagnostic Data: An optional step on how to use the Collect Data capability to automate the process of gathering problem determination artifacts.
收集诊断数据(Collect DiagnosticData):可选步骤,说明如何使用Collect Data功能来实现收集问题确定构件的流程的自动化。
Because the ultimate goal is to automate the process of deploying your portal resources and components, you need to develop a scripted way of deploying them.
You can automate the process and automatically send the administrator (or an administration group) an E-mail when the available space gets below a certain level.
Whenever a computing job seems tedious or error-prone -- updating documents "by hand," for example -- you should be on the lookout for a way to automate the process.
每当计算作业似乎有些单调乏味或容易出错时 —例如,“手工”更新文档 —您就应该寻找使该过程自动化的方法。
Finally, Rational SOMA includes a tool usage model, in the form of 19 tool mentors that guide the user through how to use Rational Software Architect to automate the process.
最后,RationalSOMA还具有一个工具使用模型,其中包括19个工具顾问,它们可以指导用户如何使用RationalSoft ware Architect自动化该过程。
Finally, Rational SOMA includes a tool usage model, in the form of 19 tool mentors that guide the user through how to use Rational Software Architect to automate the process.
最后,RationalSOMA还具有一个工具使用模型,其中包括19个工具顾问,它们可以指导用户如何使用RationalSoft ware Architect自动化该过程。