The contactless IC card for water meter system is one of the automatic meter reading systems.
This paper introduces a design of automatic meter reading system (AMRS) applied in one distributive district.
Energy meter as an equipment of automatic meter reading system is the main data source and collection objects.
Along with the development of technology, the AMR (Automatic Meter Reading) system is widely used in power industry.
In one embodiment, the leak detection system is provided in connection with an Automatic Meter Reading (AMR) system.
At the same time, the system provides transparent channel for automatic meter reading system, which expends the application range.
The application effects of the proposed design thought and technology in the automatic meter reading system have been verified in practice.
Due to the dramatic increase of meter reading task after the reformation of rural power network, automatic meter reading is hence necessary.
Automatic meter reading system on low voltage power line is composed of devices collecting the information of ammeter, channels and web servers.
The scheme gives attention to both advantages of advance payment power meter and automatic meter reading system and has high communication reliability.
The promotion of automatic meter reading system will replace the traditional manual meter reading, thereby reducing management costs, expanding business scope.
By design, the communication networks of the residential automatic meter reading system are connected as a whole, the functions of the system are well implemented.
Taking advantage of the technological innovation, Automatic Meter Reading (AMR) and Energy Management Systems (EMS) can be a vital tool in such a competitive scenario.
The present situation of meter reader research is analyzed, and it is pointed out that the remote automatic meter reading system is not suitable for rural power network.
In research of ARM7 LPC2148, this thesis mainly describes the hardware design and working principle of the portable automatic meter reading device based on ARM7 LPC2148.
通过对ARM7LPC 2148和通信接口的研究,介绍一种基于ARM7 LPC 2148的便携式智能抄表器的硬件设计及工作原理。
According to SGCC's deepening the guiding ideology of power management, the company's power supply units at all levels are actively building automatic meter reading system (AMRS).
This paper analyzes the structure of the automatic meter reading system and the functions of concentrator in this system, de-tails the structure of hardware and software of the concentrator.
The paper introduces the general architecture of the automatic meter reading system, and makes a detailed description on the Infrared communication module and GPRS module of data concentrators.
In order to realize the electrical meter reading automatically, a automatic meter reading and controlling system is designed based on the computer, wireless communication and electronic technologies.
Firstly, the L-PLC automatic meter reading system is introduced, and the network topology of this system is analyzed. Then we make a brief description of relay technology which applies to this system.
The experiment shows that the absolute error of the reading approach is zero, which is applicable to automatic tracking reading of high-precision meter very well.
In this thesis, a system that has the function of reading the remote automatic meter and rightly judging the condition of electric power using is designed.
The system by way of combination of the hardware and software, can be used in gas and water's remote automatic meter-reading.
This system can be used in gas and water's remote automatic meter-reading.
The other automatic reading meter system based on SMS (short message service) is designed and development in the thesis.
Automatic reading of analog meter has been a research hotspot recently, but the reading error caused by imaging distortion always exists.
An automatic reading system of water meter with CCD is developed so that water meter can be automatically read.
The structural principle, features, function and application of the processing system for automatic gas and water meter-reading at the same time are introduced.
This paper also simply introduces the design process of the collector and management software, and gives some ways to improve the automatic meter-reading system.
The automatic remote centralized meter reading system based on PSTN was introduced, and its constitution was given.