The real wage of the average worker has increased by a factor of over ten in the last 70 years.
Helpfully, a UBS report published this week offers a handy guide to how long it takes a worker on the average net wage to earn the price of a Big Mac in 73 cities.
Underestimation of the inequality between C.E.O. incomes and the wages of the average production worker wage does not, for example, imply approval.
Gravid 4 months above aborts by on society of year worker month is average 1.5 months grant wage, gravid 3 months (include 3 months) abortive hair a month.
Pay cost base presses past years of whole city worker of average wage 120% affirmatory.
Consult professional oneself but one-time pay find a place for cost, standard not the company worker of pilot city gets on prep above 3 times of year of average wage income.
Answer: as a whole fund pays primary medical treatment every year to expend ceiling to be this locality worker year 4 times of average wage. Was 2000 2. 50 thousand yuan.
National bureau of statistics released in 2008, the town worker average wage is 29229 yuan, increasing 17.2% over the previous year.
Exceed local worker average wage of 300% , by local worker mean monthly the 300% computation capture of salary expends base, namely capture expends upper limit;
Exceed local worker average wage of 300% , by local worker mean monthly the 300% computation capture of salary expends base, namely capture expends upper limit;