We spent the rest of the class doing "isolations"—moving just our shoulders, ribs, or hips to build "body awareness''.
It is the practice of bringing one's awareness out of the mind and into the body. This is done via attention to the breath.
As you draw awareness to each part of your body, direct your breath to that area and consciously ask it to relax.
Typically he had no awareness of how his male harness was choking him until his personal and professional life and his body had nearly fallen apart.
Stress in the short term enables us to perform well under pressure as the body rises to a challenge with heightened levels of focus, strength, stamina and awareness.
In the same manner, the cells in your body may have varying degrees of awareness that they are in fact part of a larger human body.
The feeling of your body in contact with the world. Bring awareness to your face, your skin, your hands, and your whole body: do you feel warmth or coolness?
Our educational system is so outwardly focused and places so little emphasis on self-awareness that most of us were led away from the body and became desensitized to feelings.
On the phone, Cheryl had explained that she would interview me for the first hour of the session; then, if I agreed, we would do "body awareness exercises."
First Step - Awareness of what Sugar Really Does to Your body.
It trains you to use your breathing and an awareness of your body to focus on the here and now.
Do the following exercises only after you feel confident with practising awareness of the body and of feelings in general.
Miracles reawaken the awareness that the Spirit, not the body, is the altar of truth. This is the recognition that leads to the healing power of the miracle.
Along with improving your structural stability, developing awareness of your psoas can bring to light fears long locked in the body as unconscious physical tension.
As an alternative, you may wish to stay with a broad awareness of your whole body and then explore the effects of the breathing.
One has to spread one's awareness to the smallest parts of the body simultaneously so the mind becomes alert, attentive and sharp.
Let your awareness remain primarily with the sensations of the chakras, rather than with the breathing or the body movement.
The second part of the body probes into the important functions of farmers' specialized cooperative, aiming at improving the awareness of the necessity to cultivate the cooperative.
You've got your awareness deeply rooted in your hands, in your feet, in the different parts of your body, not just in your head, not flitting around from here to there.
Myoclonic: the muscles in one part of your body twitch or jerk suddenly, usually without loss of consciousness or awareness of what is happening.
Through guided improvisations, this class will wake up one's body, enhance personal awareness, and take participants one step further on the path of self-understanding.
We need to focus on the Vedana (feel of whole body and mind) to nurture our awareness and keep an equality mind.
Check in with your gut first, then your shoulders, arms, legs, and any other part of your body that calls your awareness.
An example: Because yoga builds up a very sharp awareness of the state of the body and mind, one becomes very aware of ones state of health and begins to nurture it.
In her awake state, Venus becomes the healer, with total awareness of harmony and balance between the mind, body and spirit.
The course is based on health and chronic disease on awareness, elaborate physical fitness test and evaluation on body function of significance;
The course is based on health and chronic disease on awareness, elaborate physical fitness test and evaluation on body function of significance;