Daniel Isenberg, PhD, is a professor of management practice at Babson College.
He has long had American ties, having earned an MBA at Boston's Babson College and speaking excellent English, although he still prefers to use an interpreter for meetings with the press.
他一直戴的是美国牌子的领带,在波士顿百森商学院(Babson College)获得了工商管理硕士学位,英语讲得非常流利,但是在面对媒体时他仍会使用翻译。
He has long had American ties, having earned an MBA at Boston's Babson College and speaking excellent English, although he still prefers to use an interpreter for meetings with the press.
他一直戴的是美国牌子的领带,在波士顿百森商学院(Babson College)获得了工商管理硕士学位,英语讲得非常流利,但是在面对媒体时他仍会使用翻译。