I'm back in the country and well hidden.
Zelaya has sent a recorded message to a regional television station, indicating that he will be back in the country on Sunday.
I have managed to convince myself that if it weren't for my job I would immediately head out for the open spaces and go back to nature in some sleepy village buried in the country.
You can have a painting or sculpture in the salon and go back to your home country, saying you've been a success in Paris.
In which country are people advised to pat on the back?
When I finish my training in Canada, I will go back to China and start a business, so I can give something back to the country.
'American citizens working abroad are competing against people from other nations who are only subject to taxation in the country in which they work and not back home,' he says.
What won't be, though, is the chance to lean back and remember why we care enough about our country to SPAR over these things and in the end, remain united.
The bigger question is what effect double-digit house-price declines would have in a country where consumer debts have soared on the back of housing wealth.
I am thrilled and honored to be back in my native country to take part in the launch of the Obstetric Fistula Manual.
It is not necessary for Tanzanians to sit back and point fingers at each other about the chronic shortage of electricity in the country.
Yet the spelling that influences Americans to say “loo-tenant” survived this pronunciation change back in the old country and also shows us in stark clarity where the word comes from.
Back in the 1970s, no country got anywhere near one.
追溯到20世纪70年代,世界上没有一个国家的HD I值能接近1。
Some white farmers have left Zimbabwe, but others are still in the country fighting to get their farms back or to be compensated.
What better time to leverage the family capital back in the old country?
Frost, when he goes north of Boston, goes back to the country, goes in, in a sense, the opposite direction that America is going.
I started thinking about this a lot on real paths, ones in the mountains and back country of where I live in Southern California.
Later, I learned that some components, such as a rear shock absorber, protected my back and my bike's frame from the many ledges in the Texas hill country.
But the way for us to remain the greatest country on Earth isn't to turn back the clock and put the special interests in charge.
Personal bankruptcies and foreclosures are as high here as in the rest of the country, and established companies are cutting way back on hiring.
Back in 1988, when we started this study, we asked realtors around the country, what is the hottest market in the United States?
With college students around the country heading back to school in the coming weeks, the hunt for cheap textbooks is on.
And even in cases where the country is not infected, market uncertainties and the fall in prices prompted the largest producers to cut back production by 15 percent this year.
By the fall of last year, the ratio had fallen back into line with historical norms in many parts of the country, the WSJ reported this week.
Even before the ruling, several countries had stopped sending asylum-seekers back to Greece under "Dublin II", a convention ruling that applications must be heard in the first country of entry.
China has modeled is auto-emissions standards after those in Europe. Still, most of the country still lags behind Europe, using rules implemented there back in 1996.
On Friday, the Associated Press reported that Yao had arrived back in his home country to consult with the nation's top experts.
On Friday, the Associated Press reported that Yao had arrived back in his home country to consult with the nation's top experts.