The present situation of the oceans is bad and worrying and Slat wanted to do something to change it.
He insists that the security situation in neighboring Afghanistan and Pakistan is bad, and complains that wherever the U.S. is present there are bombings and insecurity.
5, Too bad he did not devote more of his book to the present and the future, and to the policies that could alleviate the situation he describes.
The facts such as present social situation, educational opinion of educators and educational method have bad effect on college moral education.
This article through to Guangzhou new stadium basic situation's introduction, the analysis facility existence's good and bad points, and attempts proposes the improvement present situation plan.
The article states a design of short-range wireless digital video image receiver, which can understand and process field situation timely when people can't present for the bad production environment.
This present paper produces the trust method for disposing the bad assets considering the current situation of the bas assets, and analyzes the advantages of this method.
This present paper produces the trust method for disposing the bad assets considering the current situation of the bas assets, and analyzes the advantages of this method.