Automatic mesh generation with optimization and bandwidth reduction by program will observably improve the efficiency and make the analysis result more reliable.
When you reduce the file size, it conveniently reduces the bandwidth and storage overhead by the amount of the reduction.
Reduction of disk MB per second (also referred as disk bandwidth) of about 37 percent by upgrading the server from Lotus Domino 8.0 to Lotus Domino 8.5.
通过将服务器从LotusDomino 8.0升级到Lotus Domino 8.5,每秒磁盘MB(也称为磁盘带宽)减少了约37%。
A renumbering algorithm has been presented which can optimize the node of die hence reduction of the bandwidth of FE in aluminum extrusion process.
The principal advantage over the dual filter coherent detection is a four-fold reduction in bandwidth.
The new range offers the same high-quality video with a reduction of up to 50 percent in bandwidth and storage requirements over the 8000 range.
Experiments show that this system is particularly effective for statistical noise reduction within the complete television image bandwidth.
At present, the alteration of antenna's gain and bandwidth has been the main criterion which is used to weigh the means of RCS reduction.
At present, the alteration of antenna's gain and bandwidth has been the main criterion which is used to weigh the means of RCS reduction.